Title: Building Pytorch on an Old Laptop Brief: Journey of building Pytorch 2.2.0 on 10+ old amd64 laptop. Date: 1707822832 Tags: Compilation, Bash CSS: /style.css This started when I was following my first tutorial on Pytorch to generate toponyms (will probably write about it too later). Just as I got enough courage to run it for first time I was faced with heartbreaking words, - `Illegal instruction`. Here's the following story: First I downloaded Pytorch release: ``` git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch --single-branch --branch v2.2.0 pytorch ``` Then struggled for a bit with initialization of submodules, it looks like there are broken links or something??? Anyway, the command is: ``` git submodule update --init --recursive ``` But I had to `rm -fr ./third_party/<> && git rm -fr --cached ./third_party/<>` and then `git submodule add ...` replace a few libs. Later by trial and error I came up with this script which excludes every part that demands AVX as well as anything not necessary, as compilation time of it all is ridiculous: ```bash #!/bin/sh set +e # Could comment or override it if you have different compiler you want to use. export CMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang export CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ export USE_CCACHE=ON export USE_CUDA=0 export USE_DISTRIBUTED=0 export USE_GLOO=0 export BUILD_TEST=0 export BUILD_CAFFE2=0 export USE_CUDNN=0 export USE_ASAN=0 export USE_MKLDNN=0 export USE_KINETO=0 export DEBUG=0 export USE_XNNPACK=0 export USE_FBGEMM=0 export USE_NNPACK=0 export USE_QNNPACK=0 # You can comment this, but for me throttling was making it slower than just using a single core. export MAX_JOBS=1 export USE_AVX=OFF export USE_NNPACK=OFF export USE_MKLDNN=OFF export USE_FBGEMM=OFF export C_HAS_AVX_2=OFF export C_HAS_AVX2_2=OFF export CXX_HAS_AVX_2=OFF export CXX_HAS_AVX2_2=OFF export CAFFE2_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_AVX512_EXTENSIONS=OFF export USE_NATIVE_ARCH=ON export USE_VULKAN=OFF export USE_SYSTEM_ZSTD=ON # You can install those from your package manager, but only if you're on up-to-date repos. (so, not stable Debian) # export USE_SYSTEM_PYBIND11=ON # export USE_SYSTEM_CPUINFO=ON # export USE_SYSTEM_SLEEF=ON python3 setup.py develop ``` It installs itself with dependencies on this very git folder, so you better place it somewhere permanent (I ended up `mv` and `ln` it, just to not forget and delete it from ~/tmp/) Not sure how to clean the temporary stuff properly after installation, it wastes quite a bit of space (1.7 GiB for me). In the end I just used this, which shredded about 400 MiBs of space: ``` rm -fr ./third_party cd ./build && find . -name \*.o -type f -delete ``` That's about it. It's slow but you can play with it for small tasks.