diff --git a/docs/wiki/about-townengine.html b/docs/wiki/about-townengine.html index fed389b..44d2c6d 100644 --- a/docs/wiki/about-townengine.html +++ b/docs/wiki/about-townengine.html @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
There's no reason not to pile up knowledge, refactoring is irrelevant.
@@ -76,5 +77,21 @@+Returns must be restricted/closed on being constant over frame, parameters or asset frame.
+One of hard choices we employ is requirement on having more or less the same tools on all platforms in order to compile. + If you're on Windows you need to get a MinGW environment. [cmake] and [python3] (>specify versions<) are also required. + [clang] is preferred over [gcc], as it has superior lto, which matters a great deal with our architecture (literal day and night difference in frame time). + [git] is used for version control. Git for Windows distribution could also be used for getting conforming cli environment, much recommended. +
Inside $TWNROOT/bin folder the [twn] script is used for engine instrumentation. + It could build and run your projects and even open this very wiki locally! + You could execute [source hooks] inside $TWNROOT to add [twn] to your $PATH temporarily. Symlinking of it is also supported. + Look inside the script to see what it can do, it's ever growing ! +
[twn init <template> <name>] could be used to quickly initialize a project. + Look into $TWNROOT/apps/templates folder to see available templates. +
Support for [clangd] completions is provided with [twn devcompl] command, it generates compile_commands.json inside $TWNROOT/build folder. + Having workspace placed in $TWNROOT by your IDE should be enough to make it all work. Rerun [twn devcompl] if new files are added. +
Web target requires [emsdk] as of now. Use [twn build --target=web] to use it. +