add /apps/demos/crawl

This commit is contained in:
veclavtalica 2025-02-20 20:10:37 +03:00
parent 6eb0730c52
commit bd3b090f6f
3 changed files with 134 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
-- Grid of entities defined by @classes.
-- Defines classes under symbols, which could have properties.
# wall
. void
test : this
@ player_spawn
unique :
face : south
hold : torch
-- Arbitrary sections could be defined with values pairs.
description : Test Level! Just two square rooms.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
function load_level(file)
local f = file_read { file = file }
local result = {
classes = {},
glossary = {},
grid = {},
map = {},
-- iterate over lines
local section, subsection = "none", "none"
local from = 1
local start, limit = string.find(f, "\n", from)
while start do
local line = string.sub(f, from, start - 1)
-- skip over
if #line == 0 or line:find("^%-%-%s*") then
goto skip
-- start new section
elseif line:find("^@%a+") then
section = line:sub(2); subsection = "none"
-- decode map one line at a time
elseif section == "map" then
local l = + 1[l] = {}
for i = 1, #line do[l][i] = line:sub(i,i)
assert([1] ==[l])
-- templates to expand
elseif section == "classes" then
-- properties
if line:find("^ %a+") then
local _, _, property, value = line:find("^ (%a+)%s?:%s?(.*)")
result.classes[subsection][property] = value
goto skip
local symbol, classname = line:sub(1,1), line:sub(3)
result.classes[classname] = {
symbol = symbol,
result.glossary[symbol] = classname
subsection = classname
elseif section ~= "none" then
local _, _, property, value = line:find("^(%a+)%s?:%s?(.*)")
if result[section] == nil then
result[section] = {}
result[section][property] = value
from = limit + 1
start, limit = string.find(f, "\n", from)
-- post process
for y = 1, do
result.grid[y] = {}
for x = 1,[y] do
local class = result.classes[result.glossary[[y][x]]]
if class["unique"] ~= nil then
class.position = { x = x, y = y }
result.grid[y][x] = class
return result
function game_tick()
if ctx.udata == nil then
ctx.udata = {
level = load_level("levels/00.lvl")
log_vec2 { value = ctx.udata.level.classes.player_spawn.position }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# This file contains everything about the engine and your game that can be
# configured before it runs.
# Optional settings are commented out, with their default values shown.
# Invalid values in these settings will be ignored.
# Data about your game as an application
title = "Template"
developer = "You"
app_id = "template"
dev_id = "you"
# Game runtime details
resolution = [ 640, 480 ]
interpreter = "$TWNROOT/apps/twnlua"
#debug = true
# Engine tweaks. You probably don't need to change these
#ticks_per_second = 60 # minimum of 8
#keybind_slots = 3 # minimum of 1
#texture_atlas_size = 2048 # minimum of 32
#font_texture_size = 2048 # minimum of 1024
#font_oversampling = 4 # minimum of 0
#font_filtering = "linear" # possible values: "nearest", "linear"