libxm ===== A small XM (FastTracker II Extended Module) player library. Main features: * Small size in mind; many features can be disabled at compile-time, or are optimized out by the compiler if not used. * Timing functions for synchronising against specific instruments, samples or channels. * Samples can be loaded and altered at run-time, making it possible to use libxm with softsynths or other real-time signal processors. Written in C11 and released under the WTFPL license, version 2. Size ==== The playback routine (assuming the non-portable `.libxm` format is loaded, see `libxmize` below) fits in under 7KiB of compressed machine code. ~~~ xzcrush libxmtoau for x in *.xm; do libxmize $x $x.libxm; done rename .xm.libxm .libxm *.xm.libxm ls *.{xm,libxm} | xargs -n 1 -P 16 xz -9ekf wc -c *.*xm *.*xm.xz libxmtoau.crushed 6810919 an-dream.libxm 5585551 an-dream.xm 109423 cerror-expatarimental.libxm 49240 cerror-expatarimental.xm 282590 drozerix_-_crush.libxm 121346 drozerix_-_crush.xm 581955 heritage.libxm 438340 heritage.xm 2855496 an-dream.libxm.xz 2876184 an-dream.xm.xz 4180 cerror-expatarimental.libxm.xz 4820 cerror-expatarimental.xm.xz 36060 drozerix_-_crush.libxm.xz 37276 drozerix_-_crush.xm.xz 201348 heritage.libxm.xz 201200 heritage.xm.xz 6833 libxmtoau.crushed ~~~ Binaries crushed with [`xzcrush`]( `libxmize` and the non-portable format ====================================== The `libxmize` binary can convert a standard `.xm` file to a non-standard, non-portable representation of that module. The file generated by `libxmize` is usually a lot larger than the original module, but has better compressibility. In addition, the non-portable format: * requires less code to load (`xm_create_context_from_libxmize()` instead of `xm_create_context()`) and thus can be used to produce smaller binaries. (See the size section above.) * requires significantly less memory to play back modules (only kilobytes thanks to `mmap()`, see `libxmtoau` for an example). The data generated by `libxmize` will not be readable: * On a different CPU architecture * On a different libxm commit * On a libxm compiled with another compiler * On a libxm compiled with a different compiler version * On a libxm compiled with different options or CFLAGS Examples ======== Some example programs are provided. * [libxm.js]( is a very simple XM player/visualiser that runs in a browser (emscripten port). * `xmgl` is a simple music visualiser that uses OpenGL and JACK for very precise audio synchronisation. See a demo here: <> * `xmprocdemo`: see [README](./examples/xmprocdemo/ * `xmtoalsa` is a simple player that uses the ALSA library. It produces `xmp`-like output while playing. Use `xmtoalsa --help` (or check the source) to see the full usage. ~~~ ./xmtoalsa --random **/*.xm ~~~ * `xmtowav` will play a module and output a `.wav` file. ~~~ ./xmtowav my_module.xm my_module.wav ~~~ * `xmtoau` will play a module and output a `.au` file to standard output. ~~~ mpv <(./xmtoau my_module.xm) ~~~ * `libxmtoau` is similar to `xmtoau`, except that it loads non-portable files generated by `libxmize`. * `xmbench` is a benchmark program. Here are some interesting modules, most showcase unusual or advanced tracking techniques (and thus are a good indicator of a player's accuracy): * [Cerror - Expatarimental]( * [Lamb - Among the stars]( * [Raina - Cyberculosis]( * [Raina - Slumberjack]( * [Strobe - One for all]( * [Strobe - Paralysicical death]( Status ====== Effects ------- ~~~ Status |##| Eff | Info | Description --------+--+-----+------+------------------------------ DONE |00| 0 | | Arpeggio DONE |01| 1 | (*) | Porta up DONE |02| 2 | (*) | Porta down DONE |03| 3 | (*) | Tone porta DONE |04| 4 | (*) | Vibrato DONE |05| 5 | (*) | Tone porta+Volume slide DONE |06| 6 | (*) | Vibrato+Volume slide DONE |07| 7 | (*) | Tremolo DONE |08| 8 | | Set panning DONE |09| 9 | | Sample offset DONE |10| A | (*) | Volume slide DONE |11| B | | Position jump DONE |12| C | | Set volume DONE |13| D | | Pattern break DONE |14| E1 | (*) | Fine porta up DONE |--| E2 | (*) | Fine porta down |--| E3 | | Set gliss control DONE |--| E4 | | Set vibrato control DONE |--| E5 | | Set finetune DONE |--| E6 | | Set loop begin/loop UNTESTED|--| E7 | | Set tremolo control DONE |--| E9 | | Retrig note DONE |--| EA | (*) | Fine volume slide up DONE |--| EB | (*) | Fine volume slide down DONE |--| EC | | Note cut DONE |--| ED | | Note delay DONE |--| EE | | Pattern delay DONE |15| F | | Set tempo/BPM DONE |16| G | | Set global volume DONE |17| H | (*) | Global volume slide DONE |20| K | | Key off (Also note number 97) DONE |21| L | | Set envelope position DONE |25| P | (*) | Panning slide DONE |27| R | (*) | Multi retrig note DONE |29| T | (*) | Tremor DONE |33| X1 | (*) | Extra fine porta up DONE |--| X2 | (*) | Extra fine porta down ~~~ Volume effects -------------- ~~~ Status | Value | Meaning --------+---------+----------------------------- DONE | $10-$50 | Set volume (Value-$10) DONE | $60-$6f | Volume slide down DONE | $70-$7f | Volume slide up DONE | $80-$8f | Fine volume slide down DONE | $90-$9f | Fine volume slide up DONE | $a0-$af | Set vibrato speed DONE | $b0-$bf | Vibrato DONE | $c0-$cf | Set panning DONE | $d0-$df | Panning slide left DONE | $e0-$ef | Panning slide right DONE | $f0-$ff | Tone porta ~~~ Known issues ------------ * Only loads FastTracker II-compatible XM files. * Loading a bogus file (that yet has a valid 60-byte header) will probably result in a segmentation fault. * Big endian architectures are not yet supported. Tests ===== Some test XM files are in the `tests` directory. Their goal is to test a certain feature against regressions. A summary of tests (and what they are supposed to test) is in the table below. ~~~ Test | Status | Tested against | Extras -------------------------------+----------------+------------------------+------------------------------------------------ amiga.xm | FAIL | MilkyTracker, xmp | Should sound identical. arp-slow.xm | FAIL | MilkyTracker, OpenMPT | Should sound identical. autovibrato-turnoff.xm | PASS | MilkyTracker | Same pitches should be heard twice in a row. fadeout-speed.xm | PASS | MilkyTracker | Should sound identical. finetune.xm | PASS | MilkyTracker | Left and right channels should sound identical. ghosts.xm | FAIL | MilkyTracker | Left and right channels should sound identical. multiretrig-volume.xm | PASS | FT2, OpenMPT | Should sound identical. note-delay-ghost.xm | PASS | MilkyTracker, FT2 | Should sound identical. note-delay-retrig.xm | PASS | MilkyTracker | Should sound identical. panning-law.xm | PASS | MilkyTracker, FT2clone | Should sound identical. pattern-loop-quirk.xm | PASS | MilkyTracker | Should play the same notes at the same time. pos_jump.xm | PASS | Milkytracker, OpenMPT | Only one beep should be heard. ramping.xm | PASS | MilkyTracker | If XM_RAMPING is ON, no loud clicks should be heard. ramping2.xm | PASS | MilkyTracker | If XM_RAMPING is ON, no loud clicks should be heard. retrig-vol-fade.xm | PASS | MT, FT2clone, OpenMPT | Should sound identical. tone-portamento.xm | PASS | MilkyTracker | Should sound identical. tremolo.xm | PASS | MilkyTracker | Should sound identical. tremor.xm | PASS | MilkyTracker | Should sound identical. vibrato.xm | PASS | MilkyTracker | Should sound identical. vibrato-slow.xm | PASS | OpenMPT | Should sound identical. vibrato-octave.xm | PASS | FT2clone, OpenMPT | Should sound identical. ~~~ Thanks ====== Thanks to: * Thunder <>, for writing the `modfil10.txt` file; * Matti "ccr" Hamalainen <>, for writing the `xm-form.txt` file; * Mr.H of Triton and Guru and Alfred of Sahara Surfers, for writing the specification of XM 1.04 files; * All the MilkyTracker contributors, for the [thorough documentation]( of effects; * All the people that helped on `#milkytracker` IRC; * All the [libxm]( contributors.