#ifndef TWN_UTIL_H #define TWN_UTIL_H #include "twn_types.h" #include "twn_api.h" #include #include #include #ifndef TWN_NOT_C #include #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 /**< pi */ #endif /* multiply by these to convert degrees <---> radians */ #define DEG2RAD (M_PI / 180) #define RAD2DEG (180 / M_PI) TWN_API void log_info(const char *restrict format, ...); TWN_API void log_critical(const char *restrict format, ...); TWN_API void log_warn(const char *restrict format, ...); /* saves all texture atlases as BMP files in the write directory */ TWN_API void textures_dump_atlases(void); /* TODO: this is why generics were invented. sorry, i'm tired today */ TWN_API float clampf(float f, float min, float max); /* sets buf_out to a pointer to a byte buffer which must be freed. */ /* returns the size of this buffer. */ TWN_API int64_t file_to_bytes(const char *path, unsigned char **buf_out); /* returns a pointer to a string which must be freed */ TWN_API char *file_to_str(const char *path); /* returns true if the file exists in the filesystem */ TWN_API bool file_exists(const char *path); #endif /* TWN_NOT_C */ /* read file to null terminated string, it is freed when the frame ends */ TWN_API char const *file_read(char const *file); /* calculates the overlap of two rectangles */ TWN_API Rect rect_overlap(Rect a, Rect b); /* returns true if two rectangles are intersecting */ TWN_API bool rect_intersects(Rect a, Rect b); /* decrements a floating point second-based timer, stopping at 0.0f */ /* meant for poll based real time logic in game logic */ /* note that it should be decremented only on the next tick after its creation */ TWN_API float timer_tick_seconds(float seconds_left); typedef struct TimerElapseSecondsResult { float seconds_left; float interval; bool elapsed; } TimerElapseSecondsResult; TWN_API TimerElapseSecondsResult timer_elapse_seconds(float seconds_left, float interval); TWN_API void log_vec2(Vec2 value, char const *identity); TWN_API void log_vec3(Vec3 value, char const *identity); TWN_API void log_rect(Rect value, char const *identity); TWN_API void profile_start(char const *profile); TWN_API void profile_end(char const *profile); #endif