#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> //#define HEAVYTM #include "tm.h" #ifdef RADUSETM3 tm_api * g_tm_api; //#define PROFILE_MODE #endif #include <math.h> #ifdef _MSC_VER #define stop() __debugbreak() #include <windows.h> #define int64 __int64 #define uint64 unsigned __int64 #else #define stop() __builtin_trap() #define int64 long long #define uint64 unsigned long long #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4127) #endif //#define NOCOMP //#define PROFILE_NEW_ONLY //#define PROFILE_MODE #if defined(_x86_64) || defined( __x86_64__ ) || defined( _M_X64 ) || defined(__x86_64) || defined(__SSE2__) || defined(STBIR_SSE) || defined( _M_IX86_FP ) || defined(__i386) || defined( __i386__ ) || defined( _M_IX86 ) || defined( _X86_ ) #ifdef _MSC_VER uint64 __rdtsc(); #define __cycles() __rdtsc() #else // non msvc static inline uint64 __cycles() { unsigned int lo, hi; asm volatile ("rdtsc" : "=a" (lo), "=d" (hi) ); return ( ( (uint64) hi ) << 32 ) | ( (uint64) lo ); } #endif // msvc #elif defined( _M_ARM64 ) || defined( __aarch64__ ) || defined( __arm64__ ) || defined(__ARM_NEON__) #ifdef _MSC_VER #define __cycles() _ReadStatusReg(ARM64_CNTVCT) #else static inline uint64 __cycles() { uint64 tsc; asm volatile("mrs %0, cntvct_el0" : "=r" (tsc)); return tsc; } #endif #else // x64, arm #error Unknown platform for timing. #endif //x64 and #ifdef PROFILE_MODE #define STBIR_ASSERT(cond) #endif #ifdef _DEBUG #undef STBIR_ASSERT #define STBIR_ASSERT(cond) { if (!(cond)) stop(); } #endif #define SHRINKBYW 2 #define ZOOMBYW 2 #define SHRINKBYH 2 #define ZOOMBYH 2 int mem_count = 0; #ifdef TEST_WITH_VALLOC #define STBIR__SEPARATE_ALLOCATIONS #if TEST_WITH_LIMIT_AT_FRONT void * wmalloc(SIZE_T size) { static unsigned int pagesize=0; void* p; SIZE_T s; // get the page size, if we haven't yet if (pagesize==0) { SYSTEM_INFO si; GetSystemInfo(&si); pagesize=si.dwPageSize; } // we need room for the size, 8 bytes to hide the original pointer and a // validation dword, and enough data to completely fill one page s=(size+(pagesize-1))&~(pagesize-1); // allocate the size plus a page (for the guard) p=VirtualAlloc(0,(SIZE_T)s,MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE); return p; } void wfree(void * ptr) { if (ptr) { if ( ((ptrdiff_t)ptr) & 4095 ) stop(); if ( VirtualFree(ptr,0,MEM_RELEASE) == 0 ) stop(); } } #else void * wmalloc(SIZE_T size) { static unsigned int pagesize=0; void* p; SIZE_T s; // get the page size, if we haven't yet if (pagesize==0) { SYSTEM_INFO si; GetSystemInfo(&si); pagesize=si.dwPageSize; } // we need room for the size, 8 bytes to hide the original pointer and a // validation dword, and enough data to completely fill one page s=(size+16+(pagesize-1))&~(pagesize-1); // allocate the size plus a page (for the guard) p=VirtualAlloc(0,(SIZE_T)(s+pagesize+pagesize),MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE); if (p) { DWORD oldprot; void* orig=p; // protect the first page VirtualProtect(((char*)p),pagesize,PAGE_NOACCESS,&oldprot); // protect the final page VirtualProtect(((char*)p)+s+pagesize,pagesize,PAGE_NOACCESS,&oldprot); // now move the returned pointer so that it bumps right up against the // the next (protected) page (this may result in unaligned return // addresses - pre-align the sizes if you always want aligned ptrs) //#define ERROR_ON_FRONT #ifdef ERROR_ON_FRONT p=((char*)p)+pagesize+16; #else p=((char*)p)+(s-size)+pagesize; #endif // hide the validation value and the original pointer (which we'll // need used for freeing) right behind the returned pointer ((unsigned int*)p)[-1]=0x98765432; ((void**)p)[-2]=orig; ++mem_count; //printf("aloc: %p bytes: %d\n",p,(int)size); return(p); } return 0; } void wfree(void * ptr) { if (ptr) { int err=0; // is this one of our allocations? if (((((unsigned int*)ptr)[-1])!=0x98765432) || ((((void**)ptr)[-2])==0)) { err=1; } if (err) { __debugbreak(); } else { // back up to find the original pointer void* p=((void**)ptr)[-2]; // clear the validation value and the original pointer ((unsigned int*)ptr)[-1]=0; ((void**)ptr)[-2]=0; //printf("free: %p\n",ptr); --mem_count; // now free the pages if (p) VirtualFree(p,0,MEM_RELEASE); } } } #endif #define STBIR_MALLOC(size,user_data) ((void)(user_data), wmalloc(size)) #define STBIR_FREE(ptr,user_data) ((void)(user_data), wfree(ptr)) #endif #define STBIR_PROFILE //#define STBIR_NO_SIMD //#define STBIR_AVX //#define STBIR_AVX2 #define STB_IMAGE_RESIZE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb_image_resize2.h" // new one! #define STB_IMAGE_WRITE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb_image_write.h" int tsizes[5] = { 1, 1, 2, 4, 2 }; int ttypes[5] = { STBIR_TYPE_UINT8, STBIR_TYPE_UINT8_SRGB, STBIR_TYPE_UINT16, STBIR_TYPE_FLOAT, STBIR_TYPE_HALF_FLOAT }; int cedges[4] = { STBIR_EDGE_CLAMP, STBIR_EDGE_REFLECT, STBIR_EDGE_ZERO, STBIR_EDGE_WRAP }; int flts[5] = { STBIR_FILTER_BOX, STBIR_FILTER_TRIANGLE, STBIR_FILTER_CUBICBSPLINE, STBIR_FILTER_CATMULLROM, STBIR_FILTER_MITCHELL }; int buffers[20] = { STBIR_1CHANNEL, STBIR_2CHANNEL, STBIR_RGB, STBIR_4CHANNEL, STBIR_BGRA, STBIR_ARGB, STBIR_RA, STBIR_AR, STBIR_RGBA_PM, STBIR_ARGB_PM, STBIR_RA_PM, STBIR_AR_PM, STBIR_RGBA, STBIR_ARGB, STBIR_RA, STBIR_AR, STBIR_RGBA_PM, STBIR_ARGB_PM, STBIR_RA_PM, STBIR_AR_PM, }; int obuffers[20] = { STBIR_1CHANNEL, STBIR_2CHANNEL, STBIR_RGB, STBIR_4CHANNEL, STBIR_BGRA, STBIR_ARGB, STBIR_RA, STBIR_AR, STBIR_RGBA_PM, STBIR_ARGB_PM, STBIR_RA_PM, STBIR_AR_PM, STBIR_RGBA_PM, STBIR_ARGB_PM, STBIR_RA_PM, STBIR_AR_PM, STBIR_RGBA, STBIR_ARGB, STBIR_RA, STBIR_AR, }; int bchannels[20] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 4,4, 2,2, 4,4, 2,2, 4,4, 2,2, 4,4, 2,2 }; int alphapos[20] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, 3,0, 1,0, 3,0, 1,0, 3,0, 1,0,3,0, 1,0 }; char const * buffstrs[20] = { "1ch", "2ch", "3ch", "4ch", "RGBA", "ARGB", "RA", "AR", "RGBA_both_pre", "ARGB_both_pre", "RA_both_pre", "AR_both_pre", "RGBA_out_pre", "ARGB_out_pre", "RA_out_pre", "AR_out_pre", "RGBA_in_pre", "ARGB_in_pre", "RA_in_pre", "AR_in_pre" }; char const * typestrs[5] = { "Bytes", "BytesSRGB", "Shorts", "Floats", "Half Floats"}; char const * edgestrs[4] = { "Clamp", "Reflect", "Zero", "Wrap" }; char const * fltstrs[5] = { "Box", "Triangle", "Cubic", "Catmullrom", "Mitchell" }; #ifdef STBIR_PROFILE static void do_acc_zones( STBIR_PROFILE_INFO * profile ) { stbir_uint32 j; stbir_uint64 start = tmGetAccumulationStart( tm_mask ); start=start; for( j = 0 ; j < profile->count ; j++ ) { if ( profile->clocks[j] ) tmEmitAccumulationZone( 0, 0, (tm_uint64*)&start, 0, profile->clocks[j], profile->descriptions[j] ); } } #else #define do_acc_zones(...) #endif int64 vert; //#define WINTHREADTEST #ifdef WINTHREADTEST static STBIR_RESIZE * thread_resize; static LONG which; static int threads_started = 0; static HANDLE threads[32]; static HANDLE starts,stops; static DWORD resize_shim( LPVOID p ) { for(;;) { LONG wh; WaitForSingleObject( starts, INFINITE ); wh = InterlockedAdd( &which, 1 ) - 1; ENTER( "Split %d", wh ); stbir_resize_split( thread_resize, wh, 1 ); #ifdef STBIR_PROFILE { STBIR_PROFILE_INFO profile; stbir_resize_split_profile_info( &profile, thread_resize, wh, 1 ); do_acc_zones( &profile ); vert = profile.clocks[1]; } #endif LEAVE(); ReleaseSemaphore( stops, 1, 0 ); } } #endif void nresize( void * o, int ox, int oy, int op, void * i, int ix, int iy, int ip, int buf, int type, int edg, int flt ) { STBIR_RESIZE resize; stbir_resize_init( &resize, i, ix, iy, ip, o, ox, oy, op, buffers[buf], ttypes[type] ); stbir_set_pixel_layouts( &resize, buffers[buf], obuffers[buf] ); stbir_set_edgemodes( &resize, cedges[edg], cedges[edg] ); stbir_set_filters( &resize, flts[flt], /*STBIR_FILTER_POINT_SAMPLE */ flts[flt] ); //stbir_set_input_subrect( &resize, 0.55f,0.333f,0.75f,0.50f); //stbir_set_output_pixel_subrect( &resize, 00, 00, ox/2,oy/2); //stbir_set_pixel_subrect(&resize, 1430,1361,30,30); ENTER( "Resize" ); #ifndef WINTHREADTEST ENTER( "Filters" ); stbir_build_samplers_with_splits( &resize, 1 ); #ifdef STBIR_PROFILE { STBIR_PROFILE_INFO profile; stbir_resize_build_profile_info( &profile, &resize ); do_acc_zones( &profile ); } #endif LEAVE(); ENTER( "Resize" ); if(!stbir_resize_extended( &resize ) ) stop(); #ifdef STBIR_PROFILE { STBIR_PROFILE_INFO profile; stbir_resize_extended_profile_info( &profile, &resize ); do_acc_zones( &profile ); vert = profile.clocks[1]; } #endif LEAVE(); #else { int c, cnt; ENTER( "Filters" ); cnt = stbir_build_samplers_with_splits( &resize, 4 ); #ifdef STBIR_PROFILE { STBIR_PROFILE_INFO profile; stbir_resize_build_profile_info( &profile, &resize ); do_acc_zones( &profile ); } #endif LEAVE(); ENTER( "Thread start" ); if ( threads_started == 0 ) { starts = CreateSemaphore( 0, 0, 32, 0 ); stops = CreateSemaphore( 0, 0, 32, 0 ); } for( c = threads_started ; c < cnt ; c++ ) threads[ c ] = CreateThread( 0, 2048*1024, resize_shim, 0, 0, 0 ); threads_started = cnt; thread_resize = &resize; which = 0; LEAVE(); // starts the threads ReleaseSemaphore( starts, cnt, 0 ); ENTER( "Wait" ); for( c = 0 ; c < cnt; c++ ) WaitForSingleObject( stops, INFINITE ); LEAVE(); } #endif ENTER( "Free" ); stbir_free_samplers( &resize ); LEAVE(); LEAVE(); } #define STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb_image.h" extern void oresize( void * o, int ox, int oy, int op, void * i, int ix, int iy, int ip, int buf, int type, int edg, int flt ); #define TYPESTART 0 #define TYPEEND 4 #define LAYOUTSTART 0 #define LAYOUTEND 19 #define SIZEWSTART 0 #define SIZEWEND 2 #define SIZEHSTART 0 #define SIZEHEND 2 #define EDGESTART 0 #define EDGEEND 3 #define FILTERSTART 0 #define FILTEREND 4 #define HEIGHTSTART 0 #define HEIGHTEND 2 #define WIDTHSTART 0 #define WIDTHEND 2 static void * convert8to16( unsigned char * i, int w, int h, int c ) { unsigned short * ret; int p; ret = malloc( w*h*c*sizeof(short) ); for(p = 0 ; p < (w*h*c) ; p++ ) { ret[p]=(short)((((int)i[p])<<8)+i[p]); } return ret; } static void * convert8tof( unsigned char * i, int w, int h, int c ) { float * ret; int p; ret = malloc( w*h*c*sizeof(float) ); for(p = 0 ; p < (w*h*c) ; p++ ) { ret[p]=((float)i[p])*(1.0f/255.0f); } return ret; } static void * convert8tohf( unsigned char * i, int w, int h, int c ) { stbir__FP16 * ret; int p; ret = malloc( w*h*c*sizeof(stbir__FP16) ); for(p = 0 ; p < (w*h*c) ; p++ ) { ret[p]=stbir__float_to_half(((float)i[p])*(1.0f/255.0f)); } return ret; } static void * convert8tohff( unsigned char * i, int w, int h, int c ) { float * ret; int p; ret = malloc( w*h*c*sizeof(float) ); for(p = 0 ; p < (w*h*c) ; p++ ) { ret[p]=stbir__half_to_float(stbir__float_to_half(((float)i[p])*(1.0f/255.0f))); } return ret; } static int isprime( int v ) { int i; if ( v <= 3 ) return ( v > 1 ); if ( ( v & 1 ) == 0 ) return 0; if ( ( v % 3 ) == 0 ) return 0; i = 5; while ( (i*i) <= v ) { if ( ( v % i ) == 0 ) return 0; if ( ( v % ( i + 2 ) ) == 0 ) return 0; i += 6; } return 1; } static int getprime( int v ) { int i; i = 0; for(;;) { if ( i >= v ) return v; // can't find any, just return orig if (isprime(v - i)) return v - i; if (isprime(v + i)) return v + i; ++i; } } int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { int ix, iy, ic; unsigned char * input[6]; char * ir1; char * ir2; int szhs[3]; int szws[3]; int aw, ah, ac; unsigned char * correctalpha; int layouts, types, heights, widths, edges, filters; if ( argc != 2 ) { printf("command: stbirtest [imagefile]\n"); exit(1); } SetupTM( "" ); correctalpha = stbi_load( "correctalpha.png", &aw, &ah, &ac, 0 ); input[0] = stbi_load( argv[1], &ix, &iy, &ic, 0 ); input[1] = input[0]; input[2] = convert8to16( input[0], ix, iy, ic ); input[3] = convert8tof( input[0], ix, iy, ic ); input[4] = convert8tohf( input[0], ix, iy, ic ); input[5] = convert8tohff( input[0], ix, iy, ic ); printf("Input %dx%d (%d channels)\n",ix,iy,ic); ir1 = malloc( 4 * 4 * 3000 * 3000ULL ); ir2 = malloc( 4 * 4 * 3000 * 3000ULL ); szhs[0] = getprime( iy/SHRINKBYH ); szhs[1] = iy; szhs[2] = getprime( iy*ZOOMBYH ); szws[0] = getprime( ix/SHRINKBYW ); szws[1] = ix; szws[2] = getprime( ix*ZOOMBYW ); #if 1 for( types = TYPESTART ; types <= TYPEEND ; types++ ) #else for( types = 1 ; types <= 1 ; types++ ) #endif { ENTER( "Test type: %s",typestrs[types]); #if 1 for( layouts = LAYOUTSTART ; layouts <= LAYOUTEND ; layouts++ ) #else for( layouts = 16; layouts <= 16 ; layouts++ ) #endif { ENTER( "Test layout: %s",buffstrs[layouts]); #if 0 for( heights = HEIGHTSTART ; heights <= HEIGHTEND ; heights++ ) { int w, h = szhs[heights]; #else for( heights = 0 ; heights <= 11 ; heights++ ) { static int szhsz[12]={32, 200, 350, 400, 450, 509, 532, 624, 700, 824, 1023, 2053 }; int w, h = szhsz[heights]; #endif ENTER( "Test height: %d %s %d",iy,(h<iy)?"Down":((h>iy)?"Up":"Same"),h); #if 0 for( widths = WIDTHSTART ; widths <= WIDTHEND ; widths++ ) { w = szws[widths]; #else for( widths = 0 ; widths <= 12 ; widths++ ) { static int szwsz[13]={2, 32, 200, 350, 400, 450, 509, 532, 624, 700, 824, 1023, 2053 }; w = szwsz[widths]; #endif ENTER( "Test width: %d %s %d",ix, (w<ix)?"Down":((w>ix)?"Up":"Same"), w); #if 0 for( edges = EDGESTART ; edges <= EDGEEND ; edges++ ) #else for( edges = 0 ; edges <= 0 ; edges++ ) #endif { ENTER( "Test edge: %s",edgestrs[edges]); #if 0 for( filters = FILTERSTART ; filters <= FILTEREND ; filters++ ) #else for( filters = 3 ; filters <= 3 ; filters++ ) #endif { int op, opw, np,npw, c, a; #ifdef COMPARE_SAME int oldtypes = types; #else int oldtypes = (types==4)?3:types; #endif ENTER( "Test filter: %s",fltstrs[filters]); { c = bchannels[layouts]; a = alphapos[layouts]; op = w*tsizes[oldtypes]*c + 60; opw = w*tsizes[oldtypes]*c; np = w*tsizes[types]*c + 60; npw = w*tsizes[types]*c; printf( "%s:layout: %s w: %d h: %d edge: %s filt: %s\n", typestrs[types],buffstrs[layouts], w, h, edgestrs[edges], fltstrs[filters] ); // clear pixel area to different, right edge to zero #ifndef NOCLEAR ENTER( "Test clear padding" ); { int d; for( d = 0 ; d < h ; d++ ) { int oofs = d * op; int nofs = d * np; memset( ir1 + oofs, 192, opw ); memset( ir1 + oofs+opw, 79, op-opw ); memset( ir2 + nofs, 255, npw ); memset( ir2 + nofs+npw, 79, np-npw ); } } LEAVE(); #endif #ifdef COMPARE_SAME #define TIMINGS 1 #else #define TIMINGS 1 #endif ENTER( "Test both" ); { #ifndef PROFILE_NEW_ONLY { int ttt, max = 0x7fffffff; ENTER( "Test old" ); for( ttt = 0 ; ttt < TIMINGS ; ttt++ ) { int64 m = __cycles(); oresize( ir1, w, h, op, #ifdef COMPARE_SAME input[types], #else input[(types==4)?5:types], #endif ix, iy, ix*ic*tsizes[oldtypes], layouts, oldtypes, edges, filters ); m = __cycles() - m; if ( ( (int)m ) < max ) max = (int) m; } LEAVE(); printf("old: %d\n", max ); } #endif { int ttt, max = 0x7fffffff, maxv = 0x7fffffff; ENTER( "Test new" ); for( ttt = 0 ; ttt < TIMINGS ; ttt++ ) { int64 m = __cycles(); nresize( ir2, w, h, np, input[types], ix, iy, ix*ic*tsizes[types], layouts, types, edges, filters ); m = __cycles() - m; if ( ( (int)m ) < max ) max = (int) m; if ( ( (int)vert ) < maxv ) maxv = (int) vert; } LEAVE(); // test new printf("new: %d (v: %d)\n", max, maxv ); } } LEAVE(); // test both if ( mem_count!= 0 ) stop(); #ifndef NOCOMP ENTER( "Test compare" ); { int x,y,ch; int nums = 0; for( y = 0 ; y < h ; y++ ) { for( x = 0 ; x < w ; x++ ) { switch(types) { case 0: case 1: //SRGB { unsigned char * p1 = (unsigned char *)&ir1[y*op+x*c]; unsigned char * p2 = (unsigned char *)&ir2[y*np+x*c]; for( ch = 0 ; ch < c ; ch++ ) { float pp1,pp2,d; float av = (a==-1)?1.0f:((float)p1[a]/255.0f); pp1 = p1[ch]; pp2 = p2[ch]; // compare in premult space #ifndef COMPARE_SAME if ( ( ( layouts >=4 ) && ( layouts <= 7 ) ) || ( ( layouts >=16 ) && ( layouts <= 19 ) ) ) { pp1 *= av; pp2 *= av; } #endif d = pp1 - pp2; if ( d < 0 ) d = -d; #ifdef COMPARE_SAME if ( d > 0 ) #else if ( d > 1 ) #endif { printf("Error at %d x %d (chan %d) (d: %g a: %g) [%d %d %d %d] [%d %d %d %d]\n",x,y,ch, d,av, p1[0],p1[1],p1[2],p1[3], p2[0],p2[1],p2[2],p2[3]); ++nums; if ( nums > 16 ) goto ex; //if (d) exit(1); //goto ex; } } } break; case 2: { unsigned short * p1 = (unsigned short *)&ir1[y*op+x*c*sizeof(short)]; unsigned short * p2 = (unsigned short *)&ir2[y*np+x*c*sizeof(short)]; for( ch = 0 ; ch < c ; ch++ ) { float thres,pp1,pp2,d; float av = (a==-1)?1.0f:((float)p1[a]/65535.0f); pp1 = p1[ch]; pp2 = p2[ch]; // compare in premult space #ifndef COMPARE_SAME if ( ( ( layouts >=4 ) && ( layouts <= 7 ) ) || ( ( layouts >= 16 ) && ( layouts <= 19 ) ) ) { pp1 *= av; pp2 *= av; } #endif d = pp1 - pp2; if ( d < 0 ) d = -d; thres=((float)p1[ch]*0.007f)+2.0f; if (thres<4) thres = 4; #ifdef COMPARE_SAME if ( d > 0 ) #else if ( d > thres) #endif { printf("Error at %d x %d (chan %d) %d %d [df: %g th: %g al: %g] (%d %d %d %d) (%d %d %d %d)\n",x,y,ch, p1[ch],p2[ch],d,thres,av,p1[0],p1[1],p1[2],p1[3],p2[0],p2[1],p2[2],p2[3]); ++nums; if ( nums > 16 ) goto ex; //if (d) exit(1); //goto ex; } } } break; case 3: { float * p1 = (float *)&ir1[y*op+x*c*sizeof(float)]; float * p2 = (float *)&ir2[y*np+x*c*sizeof(float)]; for( ch = 0 ; ch < c ; ch++ ) { float pp1 = p1[ch], pp2 = p2[ch]; float av = (a==-1)?1.0f:p1[a]; float thres, d; // clamp if (pp1<=0.0f) pp1 = 0; if (pp2<=0.0f) pp2 = 0; if (av<=0.0f) av = 0; if (pp1>1.0f) pp1 = 1.0f; if (pp2>1.0f) pp2 = 1.0f; if (av>1.0f) av = 1.0f; // compare in premult space #ifndef COMPARE_SAME if ( ( ( layouts >=4 ) && ( layouts <= 7 ) ) || ( ( layouts >= 16 ) && ( layouts <= 19 ) ) ) { pp1 *= av; pp2 *= av; } #endif d = pp1 - pp2; if ( d < 0 ) d = -d; thres=(p1[ch]*0.002f)+0.0002f; if ( thres < 0 ) thres = -thres; #ifdef COMPARE_SAME if ( d != 0.0f ) #else if ( d > thres ) #endif { printf("Error at %d x %d (chan %d) %g %g [df: %g th: %g al: %g] (%g %g %g %g) (%g %g %g %g)\n",x,y,ch, p1[ch],p2[ch],d,thres,av,p1[0],p1[1],p1[2],p1[3],p2[0],p2[1],p2[2],p2[3]); ++nums; if ( nums > 16 ) goto ex; //if (d) exit(1); //goto ex; } } } break; case 4: { #ifdef COMPARE_SAME stbir__FP16 * p1 = (stbir__FP16 *)&ir1[y*op+x*c*sizeof(stbir__FP16)]; #else float * p1 = (float *)&ir1[y*op+x*c*sizeof(float)]; #endif stbir__FP16 * p2 = (stbir__FP16 *)&ir2[y*np+x*c*sizeof(stbir__FP16)]; for( ch = 0 ; ch < c ; ch++ ) { #ifdef COMPARE_SAME float pp1 = stbir__half_to_float(p1[ch]); float av = (a==-1)?1.0f:stbir__half_to_float(p1[a]); #else float pp1 = stbir__half_to_float(stbir__float_to_half(p1[ch])); float av = (a==-1)?1.0f:stbir__half_to_float(stbir__float_to_half(p1[a])); #endif float pp2 = stbir__half_to_float(p2[ch]); float d, thres; // clamp if (pp1<=0.0f) pp1 = 0; if (pp2<=0.0f) pp2 = 0; if (av<=0.0f) av = 0; if (pp1>1.0f) pp1 = 1.0f; if (pp2>1.0f) pp2 = 1.0f; if (av>1.0f) av = 1.0f; thres=(pp1*0.002f)+0.0002f; // compare in premult space #ifndef COMPARE_SAME if ( ( ( layouts >=4 ) && ( layouts <= 7 ) ) || ( ( layouts >= 16 ) && ( layouts <= 19 ) ) ) { pp1 *= av; pp2 *= av; } #endif d = pp1 - pp2; if ( d < 0 ) d = -d; #ifdef COMPARE_SAME if ( d != 0.0f ) #else if ( d > thres ) #endif { printf("Error at %d x %d (chan %d) %g %g [df: %g th: %g al: %g] (%g %g %g %g) (%g %g %g %g)\n",x,y,ch, #ifdef COMPARE_SAME stbir__half_to_float(p1[ch]), #else p1[ch], #endif stbir__half_to_float(p2[ch]), d,thres,av, #ifdef COMPARE_SAME stbir__half_to_float(p1[0]),stbir__half_to_float(p1[1]),stbir__half_to_float(p1[2]),stbir__half_to_float(p1[3]), #else p1[0],p1[1],p1[2],p1[3], #endif stbir__half_to_float(p2[0]),stbir__half_to_float(p2[1]),stbir__half_to_float(p2[2]),stbir__half_to_float(p2[3]) ); ++nums; if ( nums > 16 ) goto ex; //if (d) exit(1); //goto ex; } } } break; } } for( x = (w*c)*tsizes[oldtypes]; x < op; x++ ) { if ( ir1[y*op+x] != 79 ) { printf("Margin error at %d x %d %d (should be 79) OLD!\n",x,y,(unsigned char)ir1[y*op+x]); goto ex; } } for( x = (w*c)*tsizes[types]; x < np; x++ ) { if ( ir2[y*np+x] != 79 ) { printf("Margin error at %d x %d %d (should be 79) NEW\n",x,y,(unsigned char)ir2[y*np+x]); goto ex; } } } ex: ENTER( "OUTPUT IMAGES" ); printf(" tot pix: %d, errs: %d\n", w*h*c,nums ); if (nums) { stbi_write_png("old.png", w, h, c, ir1, op); stbi_write_png("new.png", w, h, c, ir2, np); exit(1); } LEAVE(); // output images } LEAVE(); //test compare #endif } LEAVE(); // test filter } LEAVE(); // test edge } LEAVE(); // test width } LEAVE(); // test height } LEAVE(); // test type } LEAVE(); // test layout } CloseTM(); return 0; }