#include "twn_draw.h" #include "twn_draw_c.h" #include "twn_engine_context_c.h" #include "twn_textures_c.h" #include "twn_types.h" #include "twn_util_c.h" #include "twn_vec.h" #include void draw_billboard(const char *texture, Vec3 position, Vec2 size, Color color, bool cylindrical) { // TODO: order drawing by atlas id as well, so that texture rebinding is not as common const TextureKey texture_key = textures_get_key(&ctx.texture_cache, texture); struct MeshBatchItem *batch_p = hmgetp_null(ctx.billboard_batches, texture_key); if (!batch_p) { struct MeshBatch item = {0}; hmput(ctx.billboard_batches, texture_key, item); batch_p = &ctx.billboard_batches[hmlenu(ctx.billboard_batches) - 1]; /* TODO: can last index be used? */ } struct SpaceBillboard billboard = { .color = color, .cylindrical = cylindrical, .position = position, .size = size, }; struct SpaceBillboard *billboards = (struct SpaceBillboard *)(void *)batch_p->value.primitives; arrpush(billboards, billboard); batch_p->value.primitives = (uint8_t *)billboards; } /* reused for all billboards */ static Vec3 right_plus_up; static Vec3 right_minus_up; static Vec3 right_plus_up_cylindrical; static Vec3 right_minus_up_cylindrical; /* precalculate (right + up) and (right - up) that are used with all batches */ static void calculate_intermediates(void) { Vec3 const right = { camera_look_at_matrix.row[0].x, camera_look_at_matrix.row[1].x, camera_look_at_matrix.row[2].x }; Vec3 const up = { camera_look_at_matrix.row[0].y, camera_look_at_matrix.row[1].y, camera_look_at_matrix.row[2].y }; right_plus_up = m_vec_add(right, up); right_minus_up = m_vec_sub(right, up); Vec3 const up_cylindrical = { 0, 1, 0 }; right_plus_up_cylindrical = m_vec_add(right, up_cylindrical); right_minus_up_cylindrical = m_vec_sub(right, up_cylindrical); } /* http://www.lighthouse3d.com/opengl/billboarding/index.php?billCheat2 */ void finally_draw_billboard_batch(struct MeshBatch const *batch, TextureKey texture_key) { const size_t primitives_len = arrlenu(batch->primitives); /* nothing to do */ if (primitives_len == 0) return; /* TODO: only do it once per frame */ calculate_intermediates(); const Rect srcrect = textures_get_srcrect(&ctx.texture_cache, texture_key); const Rect dims = textures_get_dims(&ctx.texture_cache, texture_key); const float wr = srcrect.w / dims.w; const float hr = srcrect.h / dims.h; const float xr = srcrect.x / dims.w; const float yr = srcrect.y / dims.h; const Vec2 uv0 = { xr + wr, yr }; const Vec2 uv1 = { xr + wr, yr + hr }; const Vec2 uv2 = { xr, yr + hr }; const Vec2 uv3 = { xr, yr }; for (size_t batch_n = 0; batch_n <= (primitives_len - 1) / QUAD_ELEMENT_BUFFER_LENGTH; batch_n++) { /* emit vertex data */ VertexBuffer const buffer = get_scratch_vertex_array(); VertexBufferBuilder builder = build_vertex_buffer( buffer, sizeof (ElementIndexedBillboard) * MIN(primitives_len - batch_n * QUAD_ELEMENT_BUFFER_LENGTH, QUAD_ELEMENT_BUFFER_LENGTH)); for (size_t i = 0; i < primitives_len; ++i) { struct SpaceBillboard const billboard = ((SpaceBillboard *)(void *)batch->primitives)[batch_n * QUAD_ELEMENT_BUFFER_LENGTH + i]; /* a = (right + up) * size, b = (right - up) * size*/ Vec3 a, b; if (billboard.cylindrical) { a = vec3_mul(right_plus_up_cylindrical, ((Vec3){billboard.size.x, billboard.size.y, billboard.size.x })); b = vec3_mul(right_minus_up_cylindrical, ((Vec3){billboard.size.x, billboard.size.y, billboard.size.x })); } else { a = vec3_mul(right_plus_up, ((Vec3){billboard.size.x, billboard.size.y, billboard.size.x })); b = vec3_mul(right_minus_up, ((Vec3){billboard.size.x, billboard.size.y, billboard.size.x })); } struct ElementIndexedBillboard const payload = { /* flat shading is assumed, so we can skip setting the duplicates */ .c0 = billboard.color, // .c1 = billboard.color, .c2 = billboard.color, // .c3 = billboard.color, .uv0 = uv0, .uv1 = uv1, .uv2 = uv2, .uv3 = uv3, .v0 = vec3_sub(billboard.position, b), .v1 = vec3_sub(billboard.position, a), .v2 = vec3_add(billboard.position, b), .v3 = vec3_add(billboard.position, a), }; push_to_vertex_buffer_builder(&builder, &payload, sizeof (payload)); } /* commit to drawing */ DeferredCommandDraw command = {0}; command.vertices = (AttributeArrayPointer) { .arity = 3, .type = GL_FLOAT, .stride = offsetof(ElementIndexedBillboard, v1), .offset = offsetof(ElementIndexedBillboard, v0), .buffer = buffer }; command.texcoords = (AttributeArrayPointer) { .arity = 2, .type = GL_FLOAT, .stride = offsetof(ElementIndexedBillboard, v1), .offset = offsetof(ElementIndexedBillboard, uv0), .buffer = buffer }; command.colors = (AttributeArrayPointer) { .arity = 4, .type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, .stride = offsetof(ElementIndexedBillboard, v1), .offset = offsetof(ElementIndexedBillboard, c0), .buffer = buffer }; command.textured = true; command.texture_key = texture_key; command.element_buffer = get_quad_element_buffer(); command.element_count = 6 * (GLsizei)primitives_len; command.range_end = 6 * (GLsizei)primitives_len; /* TODO: support alpha blended case, with distance sort */ TextureMode mode = textures_get_mode(&ctx.texture_cache, texture_key); if (mode == TEXTURE_MODE_GHOSTLY) mode = TEXTURE_MODE_SEETHROUGH; use_texture_mode(mode); DeferredCommand final_command = { .type = DEFERRED_COMMAND_TYPE_DRAW, .draw = command }; arrpush(deferred_commands, final_command); } }