#include "twn_loop.h" #include "twn_engine_context_c.h" #include "twn_input_c.h" #include "twn_util.h" #include "twn_util_c.h" #include "twn_game_object_c.h" #include "twn_audio_c.h" #include "twn_textures_c.h" #include #include #include #include /* TODO: should not be used here directly */ #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN #include #else #include #endif #include #include #define TICKS_PER_SECOND_DEFAULT 60 #define PACKAGE_EXTENSION "btw" static int event_callback(void *userdata, SDL_Event *event) { (void)userdata; switch (event->type) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: if (event->window.windowID != ctx.window_id) break; switch (event->window.event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED: ctx.window_dims.x = event->window.data1; ctx.window_dims.y = event->window.data2; ctx.resync_flag = true; break; default: break; } break; default: break; } /* ignored */ return 0; } static void poll_events(void) { SDL_Event e; ctx.window_size_has_changed = false; while (SDL_PollEvent(&e)) { switch (e.type) { case SDL_QUIT: ctx.is_running = false; break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: if (e.window.windowID != ctx.window_id) break; switch (e.window.event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED: ctx.window_size_has_changed = true; break; default: break; } break; default: break; } } } #ifndef EMSCRIPTEN static void APIENTRY opengl_log(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLchar* message, const void* userParam) { (void)source; (void)type; (void)id; (void)severity; (void)userParam; log_info("OpenGL: %.*s\n", length, message); } #endif void preserve_persistent_ctx_fields(void) { ctx.game.udata = ctx.game_copy.udata; } static void main_loop(void) { /* if (!ctx.is_running) { end(ctx); clean_up(ctx); emscripten_cancel_main_loop(); } */ /* frame timer */ int64_t current_frame_time = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter(); int64_t delta_time = current_frame_time - ctx.prev_frame_time; ctx.prev_frame_time = current_frame_time; ctx.delta_time = delta_time; /* handle unexpected timer anomalies (overflow, extra slow frames, etc) */ if (delta_time > ctx.desired_frametime * 8) { /* ignore extra-slow frames */ delta_time = ctx.desired_frametime; } delta_time = MAX(0, delta_time); /* vsync time snapping */ /* get the refresh rate of the current display (it might not always be the same one) */ int display_framerate = 60; /* a reasonable guess */ SDL_DisplayMode current_display_mode; int current_display_index = SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(ctx.window); if (SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(current_display_index, ¤t_display_mode) == 0) display_framerate = current_display_mode.refresh_rate; int64_t snap_hz = display_framerate; if (snap_hz <= 0) snap_hz = 60; /* these are to snap delta time to vsync values if it's close enough */ int64_t vsync_maxerror = (int64_t)((double)ctx.clocks_per_second * 0.0002); size_t snap_frequency_count = 8; for (size_t i = 0; i < snap_frequency_count; ++i) { int64_t frequency = (ctx.clocks_per_second / snap_hz) * (i+1); if (llabs(delta_time - frequency) < vsync_maxerror) { delta_time = frequency; break; } } /* delta time averaging */ size_t time_averager_count = SDL_arraysize(ctx.time_averager); for (size_t i = 0; i < time_averager_count - 1; ++i) { ctx.time_averager[i] = ctx.time_averager[i+1]; } ctx.time_averager[time_averager_count - 1] = delta_time; int64_t averager_sum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < time_averager_count; ++i) { averager_sum += ctx.time_averager[i]; } delta_time = averager_sum / time_averager_count; ctx.delta_averager_residual += averager_sum % time_averager_count; delta_time += ctx.delta_averager_residual / time_averager_count; ctx.delta_averager_residual %= time_averager_count; /* add to the accumulator */ ctx.frame_accumulator += delta_time; /* spiral of death protection */ if (ctx.frame_accumulator > ctx.desired_frametime * 8) { ctx.resync_flag = true; } /* timer resync if requested */ if (ctx.resync_flag) { ctx.frame_accumulator = 0; delta_time = ctx.desired_frametime; ctx.resync_flag = false; } ctx.game_copy = ctx.game; /* finally, let's get to work */ int frames = 0; while (ctx.frame_accumulator >= ctx.desired_frametime * ctx.update_multiplicity) { frames += 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < ctx.update_multiplicity; ++i) { /* TODO: disable rendering pushes on not-last ? */ render_queue_clear(); poll_events(); input_state_update(&ctx.input); game_object_tick(); preserve_persistent_ctx_fields(); ctx.frame_accumulator -= ctx.desired_frametime; ctx.game.frame_number = (ctx.game.frame_number % ULLONG_MAX) + 1; ctx.game.initialization_needed = false; } } /* TODO: in some cases machine might want to assume frames will be fed as much as possible */ /* which for now is broken as glBufferData with NULL is used all over right after render */ if (frames != 0) render(); } /* TODO: cache and deny duplicates */ /* TODO: ability to redefine mounting point for a dependency */ /* TODO: ability to load external sources over HTTP if url is given */ static void resolve_pack_dependencies(const char *pack_name) { char *path; if (SDL_asprintf(&path, "/packs/%s.toml", pack_name) == -1) { CRY("resolve_pack_dependencies()", "Allocation error"); goto ERR_PACK_MANIFEST_PATH_ALLOC_FAIL; } if (!PHYSFS_exists(path)) /* no package manifest provided, abort */ goto OK_NO_MANIFEST; char *manifest_file = file_to_str(path); if (!manifest_file) { CRY_PHYSFS("Pack manifest file loading failed"); goto ERR_PACK_MANIFEST_FILE_LOADING; } char errbuf[256]; /* tomlc99 example implies that this is enough... */ toml_table_t *manifest = toml_parse(manifest_file, errbuf, sizeof errbuf); SDL_free(manifest_file); if (!manifest) { CRY("Pack manifest decoding failed", errbuf); goto ERR_PACK_MANIFEST_DECODING; } toml_array_t *deps = toml_array_in(manifest, "deps"); if (!deps) goto OK_NO_DEPS; /* iterate over entries in [[deps]] array */ /* TODO: use sub procedures for failable loops? so that error mechanism cleans well */ toml_table_t *cur_dep = toml_table_at(deps, 0); for (int idx = 0; cur_dep; ++idx, cur_dep = toml_table_at(deps, idx)) { toml_datum_t dep_name = toml_string_in(cur_dep, "name"); if (!dep_name.ok) { log_warn("No 'name' is present in pack dependency, skipping it"); continue; } char *dep_pack_name; if (SDL_asprintf(&dep_pack_name, "%s%s.btw", ctx.base_dir, dep_name.u.s) == -1) { CRY("resolve_pack_dependencies()", "Allocation error"); SDL_free(dep_name.u.s); goto ERR_DEP_PATH_ALLOC_FAIL; } /* try loading pack */ if (!PHYSFS_mount(dep_pack_name, "/", true)) { /* if it failes, try going for source */ toml_datum_t dep_source = toml_string_in(cur_dep, "source"); if (!dep_source.ok) { log_warn("No 'source' is present in pack %s, while %s.btw isn't present, skipping it", dep_name.u.s, dep_name.u.s); SDL_free(dep_name.u.s); SDL_free(dep_pack_name); continue; } char *dep_source_path; if (SDL_asprintf(&dep_source_path, "%s%s", ctx.base_dir, dep_source.u.s) == -1) { CRY("resolve_pack_dependencies()", "Allocation error"); SDL_free(dep_name.u.s); SDL_free(dep_pack_name); goto ERR_DEP_PATH_ALLOC_FAIL; } if (!PHYSFS_mount(dep_source_path, "/", true)) CRY("Cannot load pack", "Nothing is given to work with"); log_info("Pack loaded: %s\n", dep_source.u.s); SDL_free(dep_source.u.s); SDL_free(dep_source_path); } else log_info("Pack loaded: %s\n", dep_pack_name); SDL_free(dep_pack_name); /* recursive resolution */ resolve_pack_dependencies(dep_name.u.s); SDL_free(dep_name.u.s); } ERR_DEP_PATH_ALLOC_FAIL: OK_NO_DEPS: toml_free(manifest); ERR_PACK_MANIFEST_DECODING: ERR_PACK_MANIFEST_FILE_LOADING: OK_NO_MANIFEST: SDL_free(path); ERR_PACK_MANIFEST_PATH_ALLOC_FAIL: return; } static bool initialize(void) { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING & ~SDL_INIT_HAPTIC) == -1) { CRY_SDL("SDL initialization failed."); return false; } /* first things first, most things here will be loaded from the config file */ /* it's expected to be present in the data directory, no matter what */ /* that is why PhysicsFS is initialized before anything else */ toml_set_memutil(SDL_malloc, SDL_free); /* time to orderly resolve any dependencies present */ resolve_pack_dependencies("data"); /* load the config file into an opaque table */ { char *config_file = file_to_str("/twn.toml"); if (config_file == NULL) { CRY("Configuration file loading failed", "Cannot access /twn.toml"); goto fail; } char errbuf[256]; /* tomlc99 example implies that this is enough... */ ctx.config_table = toml_parse(config_file, errbuf, sizeof errbuf); SDL_free(config_file); if (ctx.config_table == NULL) { CRY("Configuration file pasing failed", errbuf); goto fail; } } /* at this point we can save references to the tables within the parent one for later */ toml_table_t *about = toml_table_in(ctx.config_table, "about"); if (about == NULL) { CRY("Initialization failed", "[about] table expected in configuration file"); goto fail; } toml_table_t *game = toml_table_in(ctx.config_table, "game"); if (game == NULL) { CRY("Initialization failed", "[game] table expected in configuration file"); goto fail; } toml_table_t *engine = toml_table_in(ctx.config_table, "engine"); if (engine == NULL) { CRY("Initialization failed", "[engine] table expected in configuration file"); goto fail; } /* configure physicsfs write dir */ { toml_datum_t datum_dev_id = toml_string_in(about, "dev_id"); if (!datum_dev_id.ok) { CRY("Initialization failed", "Valid about.dev_id expected in configuration file"); goto fail; } toml_datum_t datum_app_id = toml_string_in(about, "app_id"); if (!datum_app_id.ok) { CRY("Initialization failed", "Valid about.app_id expected in configuration file"); goto fail; } if (!PHYSFS_setSaneConfig(datum_dev_id.u.s, datum_app_id.u.s, PACKAGE_EXTENSION, false, true)) { CRY_PHYSFS("Filesystem initialization failed"); goto fail; } SDL_free(datum_dev_id.u.s); SDL_free(datum_app_id.u.s); } /* debug mode defaults to being enabled */ /* pass --debug or --release to force a mode, ignoring configuration */ toml_datum_t datum_debug = toml_bool_in(game, "debug"); if (!datum_debug.ok) { ctx.game.debug = true; } else { ctx.game.debug = datum_debug.u.b; } #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN /* emscripten interpretes those as GL ES version against WebGL */ SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 2); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, 0); #else SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, 5); if (ctx.game.debug) SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_FLAG); else SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_NO_ERROR); #endif SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 5); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 6); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 5); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 0); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL, 1); /* init got far enough to create a window */ { toml_datum_t datum_title = toml_string_in(about, "title"); if (!datum_title.ok) { CRY("Initialization failed", "Valid about.title expected in configuration file"); goto fail; } /* not yet used toml_datum_t datum_developer = toml_string_in(about, "developer"); if (!datum_developer.ok) { CRY("Initialization failed", "Valid about.developer expected in configuration file"); goto fail; } */ toml_datum_t datum_base_render_width = toml_int_in(game, "base_render_width"); if (!datum_base_render_width.ok) { CRY("Initialization failed", "Valid game.base_render_width expected in configuration file"); goto fail; } ctx.base_render_width = datum_base_render_width.u.i; ctx.game.resolution.x = (int)ctx.base_render_width; toml_datum_t datum_base_render_height = toml_int_in(game, "base_render_height"); if (!datum_base_render_height.ok) { CRY("Initialization failed", "Valid game.base_render_height expected in configuration file"); goto fail; } ctx.base_render_height = datum_base_render_height.u.i; ctx.game.resolution.y = (int)ctx.base_render_height; ctx.window = SDL_CreateWindow(datum_title.u.s, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, (int)datum_base_render_width.u.i, (int)datum_base_render_height.u.i, //SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE | SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL); SDL_free(datum_title.u.s); //SDL_free(datum_developer.u.s); } if (ctx.window == NULL) { CRY_SDL("Window creation failed."); goto fail; } ctx.gl_context = SDL_GL_CreateContext(ctx.window); if (!ctx.gl_context) { CRY_SDL("GL context creation failed."); goto fail; } if (SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(ctx.window, ctx.gl_context)) { CRY_SDL("GL context binding failed."); goto fail; } if (SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(-1)) SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(1); #ifndef EMSCRIPTEN if (gladLoadGL() == 0) { CRY("Init", "GLAD failed"); goto fail; } #endif log_info("OpenGL context: %s\n", glGetString(GL_VERSION)); #ifndef EMSCRIPTEN glHint(GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_HINT, GL_NICEST); glHint(GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT, GL_NICEST); glHint(GL_FOG_HINT, GL_FASTEST); #endif /* might need this to have multiple windows */ ctx.window_id = SDL_GetWindowID(ctx.window); glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei)ctx.base_render_width, (GLsizei)ctx.base_render_height); /* TODO: */ // SDL_GetRendererOutputSize(ctx.renderer, &ctx.window_w, &ctx.window_h); ctx.window_dims.x = (int)ctx.base_render_width; ctx.window_dims.y = (int)ctx.base_render_height; /* add a watcher for immediate updates on window size */ SDL_AddEventWatch(event_callback, NULL); /* audio initialization */ { SDL_AudioSpec request, got; SDL_zero(request); request.freq = AUDIO_FREQUENCY; request.format = AUDIO_F32; request.channels = 2; request.callback = audio_callback; /* TODO: check for errors */ ctx.audio_device = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(NULL, 0, &request, &got, 0); ctx.audio_stream_format = got.format; ctx.audio_stream_frequency = got.freq; ctx.audio_stream_channel_count = got.channels; SDL_assert_always(got.format == AUDIO_F32); SDL_assert_always(got.channels == 2); SDL_PauseAudioDevice(ctx.audio_device, 0); } /* you could change this at runtime if you wanted */ ctx.update_multiplicity = 1; #ifndef EMSCRIPTEN /* hook up opengl debugging callback */ if (ctx.game.debug) { glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT); glDebugMessageCallback(opengl_log, NULL); } #endif /* random seeding */ /* SDL_GetPerformanceCounter returns some platform-dependent number. */ /* it should vary between game instances. i checked! random enough for me. */ ctx.game.random_seed = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter(); srand((unsigned int)ctx.game.random_seed); stbds_rand_seed(ctx.game.random_seed); /* main loop machinery */ toml_datum_t datum_ticks_per_second = toml_int_in(engine, "ticks_per_second"); if (!datum_ticks_per_second.ok) { ctx.ticks_per_second = TICKS_PER_SECOND_DEFAULT; } else { if (datum_ticks_per_second.u.i < 8) { ctx.ticks_per_second = TICKS_PER_SECOND_DEFAULT; } else { ctx.ticks_per_second = datum_ticks_per_second.u.i; } } ctx.is_running = true; ctx.resync_flag = true; ctx.clocks_per_second = SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency(); ctx.prev_frame_time = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter(); ctx.desired_frametime = ctx.clocks_per_second / ctx.ticks_per_second; ctx.frame_accumulator = 0; ctx.game.frame_number = 0; /* delta time averaging */ ctx.delta_averager_residual = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(ctx.time_averager); ++i) { ctx.time_averager[i] = ctx.desired_frametime; } /* rendering */ /* configuration */ { toml_datum_t datum_texture_atlas_size = toml_int_in(engine, "texture_atlas_size"); if (!datum_texture_atlas_size.ok) { ctx.texture_atlas_size = TEXTURE_ATLAS_SIZE_DEFAULT; } else { if (datum_texture_atlas_size.u.i < 32) { ctx.texture_atlas_size = TEXTURE_ATLAS_SIZE_DEFAULT; } else { ctx.texture_atlas_size = datum_texture_atlas_size.u.i; } } toml_datum_t datum_font_texture_size = toml_int_in(engine, "font_texture_size"); if (!datum_font_texture_size.ok) { ctx.font_texture_size = TEXT_FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE_DEFAULT; } else { if (datum_font_texture_size.u.i < 1024) { ctx.font_texture_size = TEXT_FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE_DEFAULT; } else { ctx.font_texture_size = datum_font_texture_size.u.i; } } toml_datum_t datum_font_oversampling = toml_int_in(engine, "font_oversampling"); if (!datum_font_oversampling.ok) { ctx.font_oversampling = TEXT_FONT_OVERSAMPLING_DEFAULT; } else { if (datum_font_oversampling.u.i < 0) { ctx.font_oversampling = TEXT_FONT_OVERSAMPLING_DEFAULT; } else { ctx.font_oversampling = datum_font_oversampling.u.i; } } toml_datum_t datum_font_filtering = toml_string_in(engine, "font_filtering"); if (!datum_font_filtering.ok) { ctx.font_filtering = TEXT_FONT_FILTERING_DEFAULT; } else { if (SDL_strcmp(datum_font_filtering.u.s, "nearest") == 0) { ctx.font_filtering = TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREAST; } else if (SDL_strcmp(datum_font_filtering.u.s, "linear") == 0) { ctx.font_filtering = TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR; } else { ctx.font_filtering = TEXT_FONT_FILTERING_DEFAULT; } } SDL_free(datum_font_filtering.u.s); } /* these are dynamic arrays and will be allocated lazily by stb_ds */ ctx.render_queue_2d = NULL; ctx.uncolored_mesh_batches = NULL; textures_cache_init(&ctx.texture_cache, ctx.window); text_cache_init(&ctx.text_cache); /* input */ toml_datum_t datum_keybind_slots = toml_int_in(engine, "keybind_slots"); if (!datum_keybind_slots.ok) { ctx.keybind_slots = KEYBIND_SLOTS_DEFAULT; } else { if (datum_keybind_slots.u.i < 1) { ctx.keybind_slots = KEYBIND_SLOTS_DEFAULT; } else { ctx.keybind_slots = datum_keybind_slots.u.i; } } input_state_init(&ctx.input); /* scripting */ /* if (!scripting_init(ctx)) { goto fail; } */ return true; fail: SDL_Quit(); return false; } /* will not be called on an abnormal exit */ static void clean_up(void) { /* scripting_deinit(ctx); */ input_state_deinit(&ctx.input); text_cache_deinit(&ctx.text_cache); textures_cache_deinit(&ctx.texture_cache); textures_reset_state(); arrfree(ctx.render_queue_2d); toml_free(ctx.config_table); PHYSFS_deinit(); SDL_free(ctx.base_dir); SDL_GL_DeleteContext(ctx.gl_context); SDL_Quit(); } static void reset_state(void) { input_reset_state(&ctx.input); textures_reset_state(); } int enter_loop(int argc, char **argv) { ctx.argc = argc; ctx.argv = argv; ctx.base_dir = SDL_GetBasePath(); /* needs to be done before anything else so config can be loaded */ /* TODO: ANDROID: see the warning in physicsfs PHYSFS_init docs/header */ if (!PHYSFS_init(ctx.argv[0])) { CRY_PHYSFS("Filesystem initialization failed"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* process arguments */ bool force_debug = false; bool force_release = false; bool data_dir_mounted = false; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { /* override data directory */ if (SDL_strcmp(argv[i], "--data-dir") == 0) { if (argv[i+1] == NULL || SDL_strncmp(argv[i+1], "--", 2) == 0) { CRY("Data dir mount override failed.", "No arguments passed (expected 1)."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!PHYSFS_mount(argv[i+1], NULL, true)) { CRY_PHYSFS("Data dir mount override failed."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } data_dir_mounted = true; continue; } /* force debug mode */ if (SDL_strcmp(argv[i], "--debug") == 0) { force_debug = true; continue; } /* force release mode */ if (SDL_strcmp(argv[i], "--release") == 0) { force_release = false; continue; } } /* data path not explicitly specified, look into convention defined places */ if (!data_dir_mounted) { /* try mouning data folder first, relative to executable root */ char *full_path; SDL_asprintf(&full_path, "%sdata", ctx.base_dir); if (!PHYSFS_mount(full_path, NULL, true)) { SDL_free(full_path); SDL_asprintf(&full_path, "%sdata.btw", ctx.base_dir); if (!PHYSFS_mount(full_path, NULL, true)) { SDL_free(full_path); CRY_PHYSFS("Cannot find data.btw or data directory in root. Please create them or specify with --data-dir parameter."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } SDL_free(full_path); } if (!initialize()) return EXIT_FAILURE; /* good time to override anything that was set in initialize() */ if (force_debug) { ctx.game.debug = true; } if (force_release) { ctx.game.debug = false; } /* now we can actually start doing stuff */ game_object_load(); ctx.was_successful = true; ctx.game.initialization_needed = true; while (ctx.is_running) { if (game_object_try_reloading()) { ctx.game.initialization_needed = true; reset_state(); } main_loop(); } /* loop is over */ game_object_unload(); clean_up(); return ctx.was_successful ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }