#include "textures.h" #include "config.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static SDL_Surface *image_to_surface(char *path) { SDL_RWops *handle = PHYSFSRWOPS_openRead(path); if (handle == NULL) goto fail; SDL_Surface *result = IMG_Load_RW(handle, true); if (result == NULL) goto fail; SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(result, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); SDL_SetSurfaceRLE(result, true); return result; fail: CRY(path, "Failed to load image. Aborting..."); die_abruptly(); } /* adds a new, blank atlas surface to the cache */ static void add_new_atlas(struct texture_cache *cache) { SDL_PixelFormat *native_format = SDL_AllocFormat(SDL_GetWindowPixelFormat(cache->window)); /* the window format won't have an alpha channel, so we figure this out */ #if SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN uint32_t a_mask = 0x000000FF; #else uint32_t a_mask = 0xFF000000; #endif SDL_Surface *new_atlas = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, TEXTURE_ATLAS_SIZE, TEXTURE_ATLAS_SIZE, TEXTURE_ATLAS_BIT_DEPTH, native_format->Rmask, native_format->Gmask, native_format->Bmask, a_mask); SDL_FreeFormat(native_format); SDL_SetSurfaceRLE(new_atlas, true); arrput(cache->atlas_surfaces, new_atlas); SDL_Texture *new_atlas_texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(cache->renderer, new_atlas); arrput(cache->atlas_textures, new_atlas_texture); } static void recreate_current_atlas_texture(struct texture_cache *cache) { /* TODO: figure out if SDL_UpdateTexture alone is faster than blitting */ SDL_Surface *atlas_surface = cache->atlas_surfaces[cache->atlas_index]; /* clear */ SDL_FillRect(atlas_surface, NULL, 0); /* blit the texture surfaces onto the atlas */ for (size_t i = 0; i < shlenu(cache->hash); ++i) { if (cache->hash[i].value.atlas_index != cache->atlas_index) continue; SDL_BlitSurface(cache->hash[i].value.data, NULL, atlas_surface, &cache->hash[i].value.srcrect); } /* texturize it! */ SDL_LockSurface(atlas_surface); SDL_UpdateTexture(cache->atlas_textures[cache->atlas_index], NULL, atlas_surface->pixels, atlas_surface->pitch); SDL_UnlockSurface(atlas_surface); } /* uses the textures currently in the cache to create an array of stbrp_rects */ static stbrp_rect *create_rects_from_cache(struct texture_cache *cache) { stbrp_rect *rects = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < shlenu(cache->hash); ++i) { SDL_Surface *surface_data = cache->hash[i].value.data; stbrp_rect new_rect = { .w = surface_data->w, .h = surface_data->h, }; arrput(rects, new_rect); } return rects; } /* returns an array which contains a _copy_ of every unpacked rect in rects. */ /* each of these copies will have their original index in rects saved in */ /* their `id` field, which is an int. */ static stbrp_rect *filter_unpacked_rects(stbrp_rect *rects) { stbrp_rect *unpacked_rects = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < arrlenu(rects); ++i) { /* already packed */ if (rects[i].was_packed) continue; arrput(unpacked_rects, rects[i]); /* stb_rect_pack mercifully gives you a free userdata int */ /* the index is saved there so the original array can be updated later */ unpacked_rects[arrlenu(unpacked_rects)-1].id = (int)i; } return unpacked_rects; } /* updates the original rects array with the data from packed_rects */ /* returns true if all rects were packed successfully */ static bool update_rects(struct texture_cache *cache, stbrp_rect *rects, stbrp_rect *packed_rects) { /* !!! do not grow either of the arrays !!! */ /* the reallocation will try to reassign the array pointer, to no effect. */ /* see stb_ds.h */ bool packed_all = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < arrlenu(packed_rects); ++i) { /* we can check if any rects failed to be packed right here */ /* it's not ideal, but it avoids another iteration */ if (!packed_rects[i].was_packed) { packed_all = false; continue; } rects[packed_rects[i].id] = packed_rects[i]; /* while the order of the elements in the hash map is unknown to us, */ /* their equivalents in `rects` are in that same (unknown) order, which means */ /* we can use the index we had saved to find the original texture struct */ cache->hash[packed_rects[i].id].value.atlas_index = cache->atlas_index; } return packed_all; } /* updates the atlas location of every rect in the cache */ static void update_texture_rects_in_atlas(struct texture_cache *cache, stbrp_rect *rects) { for (size_t i = 0; i < arrlenu(rects); ++i) { cache->hash[i].value.srcrect = (SDL_Rect) { .x = rects[i].x, .y = rects[i].y, .w = rects[i].w, .h = rects[i].h, }; } } void textures_cache_init(struct texture_cache *cache, SDL_Window *window) { cache->window = window; cache->renderer = SDL_GetRenderer(window); sh_new_arena(cache->hash); sh_new_arena(cache->loner_hash); cache->node_buffer = cmalloc(sizeof *cache->node_buffer * TEXTURE_ATLAS_SIZE); add_new_atlas(cache); recreate_current_atlas_texture(cache); } void textures_cache_deinit(struct texture_cache *cache) { /* free atlas textures */ for (size_t i = 0; i < arrlenu(cache->atlas_textures); ++i) { SDL_DestroyTexture(cache->atlas_textures[i]); } arrfree(cache->atlas_textures); /* free atlas surfaces */ for (size_t i = 0; i < arrlenu(cache->atlas_surfaces); ++i) { SDL_FreeSurface(cache->atlas_surfaces[i]); } arrfree(cache->atlas_surfaces); /* free cache hashes */ for (size_t i = 0; i < shlenu(cache->hash); ++i) { SDL_FreeSurface(cache->hash[i].value.data); } shfree(cache->hash); for (size_t i = 0; i < shlenu(cache->loner_hash); ++i) { SDL_FreeSurface(cache->loner_hash[i].value.data); } shfree(cache->loner_hash); free(cache->node_buffer); } void textures_dump_atlases(struct texture_cache *cache) { PHYSFS_mkdir("/dump"); const char string_template[] = "/dump/atlas%zd.png"; char buf[2048]; /* larger than will ever be necessary */ size_t i = 0; for (; i < arrlenu(cache->atlas_surfaces); ++i) { snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, string_template, i); SDL_RWops *handle = PHYSFSRWOPS_openWrite(buf); if (handle == NULL) { CRY("Texture atlas dump failed.", "File could not be opened"); return; } IMG_SavePNG_RW(cache->atlas_surfaces[i], handle, true); log_info("Dumped atlas %s", buf); } size_t num_loners = shlenu(cache->loner_hash); log_info("%zd atlases dumped. %zd loners left undumped.", i, num_loners); } void textures_load(struct texture_cache *cache, char *path) { /* no need to do anything if it was loaded already */ if (shgeti(cache->hash, path) >= 0 || shgeti(cache->loner_hash, path) >= 0) return; SDL_Surface *surface = image_to_surface(path); struct texture new_texture; new_texture.data = surface; /* it's a "loner texture," it doesn't fit in an atlas so it's not in one */ if (surface->w > TEXTURE_ATLAS_SIZE || surface->h > TEXTURE_ATLAS_SIZE) { new_texture.loner_data = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(cache->renderer, surface); new_texture.atlas_index = -1; shput(cache->loner_hash, path, new_texture); } else { new_texture.atlas_index = cache->atlas_index; shput(cache->hash, path, new_texture); cache->is_dirty = true; } } void textures_update_current_atlas(struct texture_cache *cache) { /* this function makes a lot more sense if you read stb_rect_pack.h */ stbrp_context pack_ctx; /* target info */ stbrp_init_target(&pack_ctx, TEXTURE_ATLAS_SIZE, TEXTURE_ATLAS_SIZE, cache->node_buffer, TEXTURE_ATLAS_SIZE); stbrp_rect *rects = create_rects_from_cache(cache); /* we have to keep packing, and creating atlases if necessary, */ /* until all rects have been packed. */ /* ideally, this will not iterate more than once. */ bool textures_remaining = true; while (textures_remaining) { stbrp_rect *rects_to_pack = filter_unpacked_rects(rects); stbrp_pack_rects(&pack_ctx, rects_to_pack, (int)arrlen(rects_to_pack)); textures_remaining = !update_rects(cache, rects, rects_to_pack); arrfree(rects_to_pack); /* got what we needed */ /* some textures couldn't be packed */ if (textures_remaining) { update_texture_rects_in_atlas(cache, rects); recreate_current_atlas_texture(cache); /* need a new atlas for next time */ add_new_atlas(cache); ++cache->atlas_index; } }; update_texture_rects_in_atlas(cache, rects); recreate_current_atlas_texture(cache); cache->is_dirty = false; arrfree(rects); } SDL_Rect textures_get_srcrect(struct texture_cache *cache, char *path) { struct texture_cache_item *texture = shgetp_null(cache->hash, path); if (texture == NULL) { CRY("Texture lookup failed.", "Tried to get texture that isn't loaded."); return (SDL_Rect){ 0, 0, 0, 0 }; } return texture->value.srcrect; } int textures_get_atlas_index(struct texture_cache *cache, char *path) { struct texture_cache_item *texture = shgetp_null(cache->hash, path); /* it might be a loner texture */ if (texture == NULL) { texture = shgetp_null(cache->loner_hash, path); /* never mind it's just not there at all */ if (texture == NULL) { CRY("Texture atlas index lookup failed.", "Tried to get atlas index of texture that isn't loaded."); return INT_MIN; } } return texture->value.atlas_index; } SDL_Texture *textures_get_atlas(struct texture_cache *cache, int index) { /* out of bounds */ if (arrlen(cache->atlas_textures) < index + 1 || index < 0) return NULL; return cache->atlas_textures[index]; } SDL_Texture *textures_get_loner(struct texture_cache *cache, char *path) { struct texture_cache_item *texture = shgetp_null(cache->loner_hash, path); if (texture == NULL) { CRY("Loner texture lookup failed.", "Tried to get texture that isn't loaded."); return NULL; } return texture->value.loner_data; } size_t textures_get_num_atlases(struct texture_cache *cache) { return cache->atlas_index + 1; }