2025-01-23 04:29:59 +03:00

339 lines
8.2 KiB

#ifndef TWN_DRAW_C_H
#define TWN_DRAW_C_H
/* TODO: structure more categorically */
#include "twn_textures_c.h"
#include "twn_types_c.h"
#include "twn_text_c.h"
#include "twn_option.h"
#include "twn_deferred_commands.h"
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <stb_truetype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
extern Matrix4 camera_projection_matrix;
extern Matrix4 camera_look_at_matrix;
extern double depth_range_low, depth_range_high;
#define QUAD_ELEMENT_BUFFER_LENGTH (65536 / 6)
/* TODO: limit to only most necessary */
enum {
typedef uint32_t VertexBuffer;
typedef struct VertexBufferBuilder {
size_t size;
void *base;
} VertexBufferBuilder;
typedef struct SpritePrimitive {
Rect rect;
Color color;
float rotation;
TextureKey texture_key;
Rect, texture_region )
bool flip_x;
bool flip_y;
bool repeat;
} SpritePrimitive;
typedef struct LinePrimitive {
Vec2 start;
Vec2 finish;
float thickness;
Color color;
} LinePrimitive;
typedef struct RectPrimitive {
Rect rect;
Color color;
} RectPrimitive;
typedef struct CirclePrimitive {
Vec2 position;
float radius;
Color color;
} CirclePrimitive;
typedef struct TextPrimitive {
Vec2 position;
char *text;
const char *font;
Color color;
int height_px;
} TextPrimitive;
typedef enum Primitive2DType {
} Primitive2DType;
typedef struct Primitive2D {
Primitive2DType type; /* TODO: separate to structure of arrays for more efficient memory usage? */
union {
SpritePrimitive sprite;
LinePrimitive line;
RectPrimitive rect;
CirclePrimitive circle;
TextPrimitive text;
} Primitive2D;
/* union for in-place recalculation of texture coordinates */
/* needs to be later resolved in texture atlas */
typedef struct UncoloredSpaceTriangle {
Vec3 v0;
Vec2 uv0; /* in pixels */
Vec3 v1;
Vec2 uv1; /* in pixels */
Vec3 v2;
Vec2 uv2; /* in pixels */
} UncoloredSpaceTriangle;
typedef struct SpaceBillboard {
Vec3 position;
Vec2 size;
Color color;
// TextureKey texture; /* is assumed from other places */
bool cylindrical;
} SpaceBillboard;
/* batch of primitives with overlapping properties */
typedef struct MeshBatch {
uint8_t *primitives; /* note: interpretation of it is arbitrary */
} MeshBatch;
/* TODO: use atlas id instead */
typedef struct MeshBatchItem {
TextureKey key;
struct MeshBatch value;
} MeshBatchItem;
typedef struct TextCache {
struct FontData **data;
} TextCache;
/* TODO: try using the fact we utilize edge coloring and step virtual color attributes to bogus points */
/* this is only doable is we take out color attribute to separate array or a portion of it */
/* interleaved vertex array data */
typedef struct ElementIndexedQuad {
/* upper-left */
Vec2 v0;
Vec2 uv0;
Color c0;
/* bottom-left */
Vec2 v1;
Vec2 uv1;
Color c1;
/* bottom-right */
Vec2 v2;
Vec2 uv2;
Color c2;
/* upper-right */
Vec2 v3;
Vec2 uv3;
Color c3;
} ElementIndexedQuad;
typedef struct ElementIndexedQuadWithoutColor {
/* upper-left */
Vec2 v0;
Vec2 uv0;
/* bottom-left */
Vec2 v1;
Vec2 uv1;
/* bottom-right */
Vec2 v2;
Vec2 uv2;
/* upper-right */
Vec2 v3;
Vec2 uv3;
} ElementIndexedQuadWithoutColor;
typedef struct ElementIndexedQuadWithoutTexture {
/* upper-left */
Vec2 v0;
Color c0;
/* bottom-left */
Vec2 v1;
Color c1;
/* bottom-right */
Vec2 v2;
Color c2;
/* upper-right */
Vec2 v3;
Color c3;
} ElementIndexedQuadWithoutTexture;
typedef struct ElementIndexedQuadWithoutColorWithoutTexture {
/* upper-left */
Vec2 v0;
/* bottom-left */
Vec2 v1;
/* bottom-right */
Vec2 v2;
/* upper-right */
Vec2 v3;
} ElementIndexedQuadWithoutColorWithoutTexture;
/* TODO: no color variant */
typedef struct ElementIndexedBillboard {
/* upper-left */
Vec3 v0;
Vec2 uv0;
Color c0;
/* bottom-left */
Vec3 v1;
Vec2 uv1;
Color c1;
/* bottom-right */
Vec3 v2;
Vec2 uv2;
Color c2;
/* upper-right */
Vec3 v3;
Vec2 uv3;
Color c3;
} ElementIndexedBillboard;
bool render_init(void);
/* renders the background, then the primitives in all render queues */
void render(void);
/* clears all render queues */
void render_queue_clear(void);
/* fills two existing arrays with the geometry data of a circle */
/* the size of indices must be at least 3 times the number of vertices */
void create_circle_geometry(Vec2 position,
float radius,
size_t num_vertices,
Vec2 vertices[]);
struct QuadBatch {
size_t size; /* how many primitives are in current batch */
TextureKey texture_key;
TextureMode mode; /* how color should be applied */
bool constant_colored; /* whether colored batch is uniformly colored */
bool repeat; /* whether repeat is needed */
bool textured;
} collect_quad_batch(const Primitive2D primitives[], size_t len);
void render_quad_batch(const Primitive2D primitives[], struct QuadBatch batch);
struct QuadBatch collect_sprite_batch(const Primitive2D primitives[], size_t len);
struct QuadBatch collect_rect_batch(const Primitive2D primitives[], size_t len);
void render_sprite_batch(const Primitive2D primitives[], struct QuadBatch batch);
void render_rect_batch(const Primitive2D primitives[], struct QuadBatch batch);
/* text */
void render_text(const TextPrimitive *text);
void text_cache_init(TextCache *cache);
void text_cache_deinit(TextCache *cache);
void text_cache_reset_arena(TextCache *cache);
/* vertex buffer */
VertexBuffer create_vertex_buffer(void);
void restart_scratch_vertex_arrays(void);
VertexBuffer get_scratch_vertex_array(void);
void delete_vertex_buffer(VertexBuffer buffer);
void specify_vertex_buffer(VertexBuffer buffer, void const *data, size_t bytes);
/* uses present in 1.5 buffer mapping feature */
VertexBufferBuilder build_vertex_buffer(VertexBuffer buffer, size_t bytes);
void finish_vertex_builder(VertexBufferBuilder *builder);
/* state */
void setup_viewport(int x, int y, int width, int height);
void clear_draw_buffer(void);
void finally_clear_draw_buffer(DeferredCommandClear command);
void swap_buffers(void);
void set_depth_range(double low, double high);
VertexBuffer get_quad_element_buffer(void);
VertexBuffer get_circle_element_buffer(void);
void render_circle(const CirclePrimitive *circle);
void render_line(const LinePrimitive *line);
void render_rectangle(const RectPrimitive *rectangle);
void finally_render_quads(Primitive2D const primitives[],
struct QuadBatch batch,
VertexBuffer buffer);
size_t get_quad_payload_size(struct QuadBatch batch);
void push_quad_payload_to_vertex_buffer_builder(struct QuadBatch batch,
size_t index,
VertexBufferBuilder *builder,
Vec2 v0, Vec2 v1, Vec2 v2, Vec2 v3,
Vec2 uv0, Vec2 uv1, Vec2 uv2, Vec2 uv3,
Color color);
void finally_draw_uncolored_space_traingle_batch(MeshBatch const *batch,
TextureKey texture_key);
void finally_draw_billboard_batch(MeshBatch const *batch,
TextureKey texture_key);
void finally_draw_text(FontData const *font_data,
size_t len,
Color color,
VertexBuffer buffer);
void render_skybox(void);
void finally_render_skybox(DeferredCommandDrawSkybox);
void start_render_frame(void);
void end_render_frame(void);
void finally_draw_command(DeferredCommandDraw command);
void issue_deferred_draw_commands(void);