417 lines
14 KiB
417 lines
14 KiB
/* Author: Romain "Artefact2" Dalmaso <artefact2@gmail.com> */
/* Contributor: Dan Spencer <dan@atomicpotato.net> */
/* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the
* extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public
* License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
* http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. */
#include "xm_internal.h"
/* .xm files are little-endian. */
/* Bounded reader macros.
* If we attempt to read the buffer out-of-bounds, pretend that the buffer is
* infinitely padded with zeroes.
#define READ_U8_BOUND(offset, bound) (((offset) < (bound)) ? (*(uint8_t*)(moddata + (offset))) : 0)
#define READ_U16_BOUND(offset, bound) ((uint16_t)READ_U8_BOUND(offset, bound) | ((uint16_t)READ_U8_BOUND((offset) + 1, bound) << 8))
#define READ_U32_BOUND(offset, bound) ((uint32_t)READ_U16_BOUND(offset, bound) | ((uint32_t)READ_U16_BOUND((offset) + 2, bound) << 16))
#define READ_MEMCPY_BOUND(ptr, offset, length, bound) memcpy_pad(ptr, length, moddata, bound, offset)
#define READ_U8(offset) READ_U8_BOUND(offset, moddata_length)
#define READ_U16(offset) READ_U16_BOUND(offset, moddata_length)
#define READ_U32(offset) READ_U32_BOUND(offset, moddata_length)
#define READ_MEMCPY(ptr, offset, length) READ_MEMCPY_BOUND(ptr, offset, length, moddata_length)
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
static inline void memcpy_pad(void* dst, size_t dst_len, const void* src, size_t src_len, size_t offset) {
uint8_t* dst_c = dst;
const uint8_t* src_c = src;
/* how many bytes can be copied without overrunning `src` */
size_t copy_bytes = (src_len >= offset) ? (src_len - offset) : 0;
copy_bytes = copy_bytes > dst_len ? dst_len : copy_bytes;
memcpy(dst_c, src_c + offset, copy_bytes);
/* padded bytes */
memset(dst_c + copy_bytes, 0, dst_len - copy_bytes);
int xm_check_sanity_preload(const char* module, size_t module_length) {
if(module_length < 60) {
return 4;
if(memcmp("Extended Module: ", module, 17) != 0) {
return 1;
if(module[37] != 0x1A) {
return 2;
if(module[59] != 0x01 || module[58] != 0x04) {
/* Not XM 1.04 */
return 3;
return 0;
int xm_check_sanity_postload(xm_context_t* ctx) {
/* @todo: plenty of stuff to do here… */
return 0;
size_t xm_get_memory_needed_for_context(const char* moddata, size_t moddata_length) {
size_t memory_needed = 0;
size_t offset = 60; /* Skip the first header */
uint16_t num_channels;
uint16_t num_patterns;
uint16_t num_instruments;
/* Read the module header */
num_channels = READ_U16(offset + 8);
num_patterns = READ_U16(offset + 10);
memory_needed += num_patterns * sizeof(xm_pattern_t);
num_instruments = READ_U16(offset + 12);
memory_needed += num_instruments * sizeof(xm_instrument_t);
memory_needed += MAX_NUM_ROWS * READ_U16(offset + 4) * sizeof(uint8_t); /* Module length */
/* Header size */
offset += READ_U32(offset);
/* Read pattern headers */
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < num_patterns; ++i) {
uint16_t num_rows;
num_rows = READ_U16(offset + 5);
memory_needed += num_rows * num_channels * sizeof(xm_pattern_slot_t);
/* Pattern header length + packed pattern data size */
offset += READ_U32(offset) + READ_U16(offset + 7);
/* Read instrument headers */
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < num_instruments; ++i) {
uint16_t num_samples;
uint32_t sample_size_aggregate = 0;
num_samples = READ_U16(offset + 27);
memory_needed += num_samples * sizeof(xm_sample_t);
/* Instrument header size */
uint32_t ins_header_size = READ_U32(offset);
if (ins_header_size == 0 || ins_header_size > INSTRUMENT_HEADER_LENGTH)
offset += ins_header_size;
for(uint16_t j = 0; j < num_samples; ++j) {
uint32_t sample_size;
sample_size = READ_U32(offset);
sample_size_aggregate += sample_size;
memory_needed += sample_size;
offset += 40; /* See comment in xm_load_module() */
offset += sample_size_aggregate;
memory_needed += num_channels * sizeof(xm_channel_context_t);
memory_needed += sizeof(xm_context_t);
return memory_needed;
char* xm_load_module(xm_context_t* ctx, const char* moddata, size_t moddata_length, char* mempool) {
size_t offset = 0;
xm_module_t* mod = &(ctx->module);
/* Read XM header */
READ_MEMCPY(mod->name, offset + 17, MODULE_NAME_LENGTH);
READ_MEMCPY(mod->trackername, offset + 38, TRACKER_NAME_LENGTH);
offset += 60;
/* Read module header */
uint32_t header_size = READ_U32(offset);
mod->length = READ_U16(offset + 4);
mod->restart_position = READ_U16(offset + 6);
mod->num_channels = READ_U16(offset + 8);
mod->num_patterns = READ_U16(offset + 10);
mod->num_instruments = READ_U16(offset + 12);
mod->patterns = (xm_pattern_t*)mempool;
mempool += mod->num_patterns * sizeof(xm_pattern_t);
mod->instruments = (xm_instrument_t*)mempool;
mempool += mod->num_instruments * sizeof(xm_instrument_t);
uint16_t flags = READ_U32(offset + 14);
mod->frequency_type = (flags & (1 << 0)) ? XM_LINEAR_FREQUENCIES : XM_AMIGA_FREQUENCIES;
ctx->tempo = READ_U16(offset + 16);
ctx->bpm = READ_U16(offset + 18);
READ_MEMCPY(mod->pattern_table, offset + 20, PATTERN_ORDER_TABLE_LENGTH);
offset += header_size;
/* Read patterns */
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < mod->num_patterns; ++i) {
uint16_t packed_patterndata_size = READ_U16(offset + 7);
xm_pattern_t* pat = mod->patterns + i;
pat->num_rows = READ_U16(offset + 5);
pat->slots = (xm_pattern_slot_t*)mempool;
mempool += mod->num_channels * pat->num_rows * sizeof(xm_pattern_slot_t);
/* Pattern header length */
offset += READ_U32(offset);
if(packed_patterndata_size == 0) {
/* No pattern data is present */
memset(pat->slots, 0, sizeof(xm_pattern_slot_t) * pat->num_rows * mod->num_channels);
} else {
/* This isn't your typical for loop */
for(uint16_t j = 0, k = 0; j < packed_patterndata_size; ++k) {
uint8_t note = READ_U8(offset + j);
xm_pattern_slot_t* slot = pat->slots + k;
if(note & (1 << 7)) {
/* MSB is set, this is a compressed packet */
if(note & (1 << 0)) {
/* Note follows */
slot->note = READ_U8(offset + j);
} else {
slot->note = 0;
if(note & (1 << 1)) {
/* Instrument follows */
slot->instrument = READ_U8(offset + j);
} else {
slot->instrument = 0;
if(note & (1 << 2)) {
/* Volume column follows */
slot->volume_column = READ_U8(offset + j);
} else {
slot->volume_column = 0;
if(note & (1 << 3)) {
/* Effect follows */
slot->effect_type = READ_U8(offset + j);
} else {
slot->effect_type = 0;
if(note & (1 << 4)) {
/* Effect parameter follows */
slot->effect_param = READ_U8(offset + j);
} else {
slot->effect_param = 0;
} else {
/* Uncompressed packet */
slot->note = note;
slot->instrument = READ_U8(offset + j + 1);
slot->volume_column = READ_U8(offset + j + 2);
slot->effect_type = READ_U8(offset + j + 3);
slot->effect_param = READ_U8(offset + j + 4);
j += 5;
offset += packed_patterndata_size;
/* Read instruments */
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < ctx->module.num_instruments; ++i) {
xm_instrument_t* instr = mod->instruments + i;
/* Original FT2 would load instruments with a direct read into the
instrument data structure that was previously zeroed. This means
that if the declared length was less than INSTRUMENT_HEADER_LENGTH,
all excess data would be zeroed. This is used by the XM compressor
BoobieSqueezer. To implement this, bound all reads to the header size. */
uint32_t ins_header_size = READ_U32(offset);
if (ins_header_size == 0 || ins_header_size > INSTRUMENT_HEADER_LENGTH)
READ_MEMCPY_BOUND(instr->name, offset + 4, INSTRUMENT_NAME_LENGTH, offset + ins_header_size);
instr->name[INSTRUMENT_NAME_LENGTH] = 0;
instr->num_samples = READ_U16_BOUND(offset + 27, offset + ins_header_size);
if(instr->num_samples > 0) {
/* Read extra header properties */
READ_MEMCPY_BOUND(instr->sample_of_notes, offset + 33, NUM_NOTES, offset + ins_header_size);
instr->volume_envelope.num_points = READ_U8_BOUND(offset + 225, offset + ins_header_size);
if (instr->volume_envelope.num_points > NUM_ENVELOPE_POINTS)
instr->volume_envelope.num_points = NUM_ENVELOPE_POINTS;
instr->panning_envelope.num_points = READ_U8_BOUND(offset + 226, offset + ins_header_size);
if (instr->panning_envelope.num_points > NUM_ENVELOPE_POINTS)
instr->panning_envelope.num_points = NUM_ENVELOPE_POINTS;
for(uint8_t j = 0; j < instr->volume_envelope.num_points; ++j) {
instr->volume_envelope.points[j].frame = READ_U16_BOUND(offset + 129 + 4 * j, offset + ins_header_size);
instr->volume_envelope.points[j].value = READ_U16_BOUND(offset + 129 + 4 * j + 2, offset + ins_header_size);
for(uint8_t j = 0; j < instr->panning_envelope.num_points; ++j) {
instr->panning_envelope.points[j].frame = READ_U16_BOUND(offset + 177 + 4 * j, offset + ins_header_size);
instr->panning_envelope.points[j].value = READ_U16_BOUND(offset + 177 + 4 * j + 2, offset + ins_header_size);
instr->volume_envelope.sustain_point = READ_U8_BOUND(offset + 227, offset + ins_header_size);
instr->volume_envelope.loop_start_point = READ_U8_BOUND(offset + 228, offset + ins_header_size);
instr->volume_envelope.loop_end_point = READ_U8_BOUND(offset + 229, offset + ins_header_size);
instr->panning_envelope.sustain_point = READ_U8_BOUND(offset + 230, offset + ins_header_size);
instr->panning_envelope.loop_start_point = READ_U8_BOUND(offset + 231, offset + ins_header_size);
instr->panning_envelope.loop_end_point = READ_U8_BOUND(offset + 232, offset + ins_header_size);
// Fix broken modules with loop points outside of defined points
if (instr->volume_envelope.num_points > 0) {
instr->volume_envelope.loop_start_point =
MIN(instr->volume_envelope.loop_start_point, instr->volume_envelope.num_points-1);
instr->volume_envelope.loop_end_point =
MIN(instr->volume_envelope.loop_end_point, instr->volume_envelope.num_points-1);
if (instr->panning_envelope.num_points > 0) {
instr->panning_envelope.loop_start_point =
MIN(instr->panning_envelope.loop_start_point, instr->panning_envelope.num_points-1);
instr->panning_envelope.loop_end_point =
MIN(instr->panning_envelope.loop_end_point, instr->panning_envelope.num_points-1);
uint8_t flags = READ_U8_BOUND(offset + 233, offset + ins_header_size);
instr->volume_envelope.enabled = flags & (1 << 0);
instr->volume_envelope.sustain_enabled = flags & (1 << 1);
instr->volume_envelope.loop_enabled = flags & (1 << 2);
flags = READ_U8_BOUND(offset + 234, offset + ins_header_size);
instr->panning_envelope.enabled = flags & (1 << 0);
instr->panning_envelope.sustain_enabled = flags & (1 << 1);
instr->panning_envelope.loop_enabled = flags & (1 << 2);
instr->vibrato_type = READ_U8_BOUND(offset + 235, offset + ins_header_size);
if(instr->vibrato_type == 2) {
instr->vibrato_type = 1;
} else if(instr->vibrato_type == 1) {
instr->vibrato_type = 2;
instr->vibrato_sweep = READ_U8_BOUND(offset + 236, offset + ins_header_size);
instr->vibrato_depth = READ_U8_BOUND(offset + 237, offset + ins_header_size);
instr->vibrato_rate = READ_U8_BOUND(offset + 238, offset + ins_header_size);
instr->volume_fadeout = READ_U16_BOUND(offset + 239, offset + ins_header_size);
instr->samples = (xm_sample_t*)mempool;
mempool += instr->num_samples * sizeof(xm_sample_t);
} else {
instr->samples = NULL;
/* Instrument header size */
offset += ins_header_size;
for(uint16_t j = 0; j < instr->num_samples; ++j) {
/* Read sample header */
xm_sample_t* sample = instr->samples + j;
sample->length = READ_U32(offset);
sample->loop_start = READ_U32(offset + 4);
sample->loop_length = READ_U32(offset + 8);
sample->loop_end = sample->loop_start + sample->loop_length;
sample->volume = (float)READ_U8(offset + 12) / (float)0x40;
sample->finetune = (int8_t)READ_U8(offset + 13);
/* Fix invalid loop definitions */
if (sample->loop_start > sample->length)
sample->loop_start = sample->length;
if (sample->loop_end > sample->length)
sample->loop_end = sample->length;
sample->loop_length = sample->loop_end - sample->loop_start;
uint8_t flags = READ_U8(offset + 14);
if((flags & 3) == 0 || sample->loop_length == 0) {
sample->loop_type = XM_NO_LOOP;
} else if((flags & 3) == 1) {
sample->loop_type = XM_FORWARD_LOOP;
} else {
sample->loop_type = XM_PING_PONG_LOOP;
sample->bits = (flags & (1 << 4)) ? 16 : 8;
sample->panning = (float)READ_U8(offset + 15) / (float)0xFF;
sample->relative_note = (int8_t)READ_U8(offset + 16);
READ_MEMCPY(sample->name, offset + 18, SAMPLE_NAME_LENGTH);
sample->name[SAMPLE_NAME_LENGTH] = 0;
sample->data8 = (int8_t*)mempool;
mempool += sample->length;
if(sample->bits == 16) {
sample->loop_start >>= 1;
sample->loop_length >>= 1;
sample->loop_end >>= 1;
sample->length >>= 1;
/* Notice that, even if there's a "sample header size" in the
instrument header, that value seems ignored, and might even
be wrong in some corrupted modules. */
offset += 40;
for(uint16_t j = 0; j < instr->num_samples; ++j) {
/* Read sample data */
xm_sample_t* sample = instr->samples + j;
uint32_t length = sample->length;
if(sample->bits == 16) {
int16_t v = 0;
for(uint32_t k = 0; k < length; ++k) {
v = v + (int16_t)READ_U16(offset + (k << 1));
sample->data16[k] = v;
offset += sample->length << 1;
} else {
int8_t v = 0;
for(uint32_t k = 0; k < length; ++k) {
v = v + (int8_t)READ_U8(offset + k);
sample->data8[k] = v;
offset += sample->length;
return mempool;